Chapter Nine - Just when everything is perfect...

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The ride back to the hotel was blissful, we talked about our childhood, our favourite games and food, how horrible first kisses are and everything else under the sun. We had similar music tastes - yes we even talked about music, a lot, explaining their sound from memory and debating which bands were better. I discovered that Frasier was an only child, he grew up without his dad after he abandoned his mum for a younger woman, but he wasn't lonely. On his mum's side he had Irish relations and one day he was introduced to Ronan, a very distant cousin and the pair were now as close as brothers. I told him about mum, dad, and Kellan, how we're an average yet very mental family and that I wouldn't change them for the world.

The car ride seemed over in seconds.

"What time is it?" Frasier asked as we parked up.

"Err around, half past four." I replied looking at my watch.

Frasier grinned, the sun lighting up his eyes, "we've got time before the show."

I'd almost forgotten that Frasier was a famous musician, "hey, how come you don't have the paparazzi bothering you?" I asked knowing that we sneaked out of the hotel '007' style... but really, we were kids, and we weren't that covert, I mean we took his car after all.

"Oh, our manager may have mistakenly told the press that we were staying at the Priory Hotel in the next town." He laughed, "that way we get some privacy before they figure out we're not staying there, sometimes they never find out."

I could understand the need for privacy, we got out of the car and headed back to the hotel, as we ambled along, my stomach grumbled shouting out the need for food.

Frasier raised his eyebrows, "was that you or Chewbacca?"

I giggled and shrugged, "I wouldn't want to find out."

"Let's grab some food before you start sprouting hair."

We headed through the lobby, and looked in on the bowling alley before heading back up stairs to the boy's suit, Stevie, Kellan, Ronan, JJ and Brooke were nowhere to be seen, I checked my phone but there were no miss calls.

"They're probably out celebrating" Frasier chuckled, "Ronan and JJ are very competitive."

I sighed, "so is Kellan."

As we suspected the suit was empty, the room looked lonely without the guys sprawled about.

Frasier ordered pizza for us both as I sit back on the sofa.

"You know what we should do?" Frasier smiling at me with a glint in his eyes.

"What?" I asked cautiously...

"It involves me, you, some pillows and a mattress," He winked and imitated JJ by flexing his lean muscles and flicking his hair out of his eyes. I smirked at his display, it was clear only JJ could pull of those moves without getting laughed out, well by anyone but me. To me JJ reminded me of a Casanova type and every time he pulled a move it made me laugh.

"Oh, my, god!  We're building a fort," I fist pumped the air.

Frasier laughed at my outburst "Of course! We'll push the sofa's back set it up in front of the TV and we can watch some movies and eat pizza."

We set to work making our fort, Frasier stole all of the mattresses in including his own and we were able to use them for the walls and part of the roof. I gathered up all the clean sheets and pillows and threw over the mattresses to make it darker and cover up the gaps we both threw the pillows  inside the fort, ready to sit on.

"Pretty good," I said appraisingly, stepping back to take in all of our work,

"Pretty damn good!" Frasier smiled, pulling out the latest iPhone, he put his arm around me and we posed in front of the fort, after several shots and lots of laughter the pizza arrived.

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