Chapter Twelve - Facing Frasier!

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I could hardly wait until Kellan came in to tell him what I had discovered, I jumped up and down like a giddy airhead and I couldn't help but sit there smiling. I had hope - something that I had given up on- flowing through me again, but when Cheska came to announce my guest, it wasn't Kellan at my door.

Brooke entered wearing a aqua coloured sparkly party dress, it was beautiful but I didn't really pay it much notice. I stared at the mascara stained tears flowing down her face, "oh Riley you were right," she sobbed, looking so vulnerable, "love is just too hard...."

I rushed over and hugged her as she continued sobbing, her whole body shaking and even though she was half a foot taller than me she seemed so much smaller, "he says he doesn't want to be with me, he doesn't want a relationship."

Anger boiled in my chest, "then he's an idiot." I pulled back handing her some tissues from my desk and sat back waiting for the story to unfold with a sense of dread lurking in my heart.

Brooke remained standing, her arms wrapped around herself as if she was physically holding herself together afraid of what would happen if she let go.

After I had left her house, JJ had arrived surprising Brooke by asking her out on a date. They went to a really nice restaurant and were having a great time before the paparazzi showed up, cameras flashing, microphones thrust in front of their faces, it was the epitome of hectic. The employees somehow managed to get them out a back door and as they escaped into JJ's car, he apologised to her as he dropped her off at my house, saying he made a huge mistake asking her out on a date when he didn't want a relationship.

Brooke's wrath when dealing with Frasier would be nothing compared to what I'd unleash on JJ if he was here right now. Indecency was a good name indeed for the boys, I thought to myself as Brooke managed to choke out between sobs, "I knew, I knew he didn't want a relationship right from the start but I thought..."

"That it would be different, that you'd be the one to change him."

She shook her head, "I'd never want to change him, people rarely change, I just hoped he wanted to be with me."

It seemed really ironic that hours ago our roles were reversed, I was the one in tears pouring my heart out in Brooke's bedroom and now she was the one doing the same in mine, we looked at each other both thinking along the same lines and laughed.

"Boys!" I huffed shaking my head.

"Can't live with 'em can't live without 'em." She drawled back, putting on such a bad accent that I didn't dare ask what it was supposed to be without the risk of bursting into laughter.

We eventually decided that Brooke should stay overnight and once she had gotten out of her dress,  into her spare pair of pyjamas she always kept at my house - sometimes I wondered if  she was secretly trying to move in as I had one of her makeup bags, a tooth brush and a couple of pairs of her socks that she'd "accidentally forgotten" and never collected - and splashed water on her face to clear away the panda eyes, she was in a much better mood.

"Three more days and the boys will be gone," Brooke said suddenly as she looked up at the painted stars on my ceiling, she told me she'd never understood why I didn't paint over them when  my room was redecorated from frilly pinkness to a cool white and orange room, but I always loved falling to sleep under my stars.

I sighed, "maybe it turned out for the best."

We both sighed again knowing what I said wasn't true and settled back down to sleep, it came easier for me this time, the day had really taken its toll on me.


I woke up on my bedroom floor, and as I sat up my back throbbed profusely. It took a second to remember why I was on the floor, I looked up at my bed and saw Brooke sleeping soundly all stretched out and hogging the covers. I rubbed my stiff neck and sighed inwardly, Brooke was always one of those sleepers who would stretch out and out until they push you off of the bed. I stopped myself from rudely awaking her, she had a tough night and wouldn't be awake to late morning. I tiptoed across the room, careful not to wake Brooke and headed down the hall to the bathroom.

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