Chapter Two - What are best friends for?

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 As I predicated the heat was sweltering, after wandering around several shops I was already tired.

"Brooke...I...Need...Drink" I panted clinging to her pink sleeve.

She smiled, "no need to over exaggerate, drama queen."

However, she led me over to a slushy machine, "what flavour do you want? My treat."

I looked at the blue and red ice swirling around, it was such a difficult choice since I loved both of them equally. After a minute of unbroken silence, Brooke shook her head and marched over to the cart. "One large red and One large mixed," She said turning to wink at me.

The perfect solution, I smiled and watched Brooke pay, ignoring the guy who was trying to chat her up as he took her money. As she walked back up, I couldn't help but tease her, "you smell like rubbish, can I take you out?" I laughed, "well at least he was thinking outside of the box."

She mock- frowned "It's always a bad idea to have a best friend that lip reads."

We laughed as she handed me my slushy and I slurped at it gratefully, "perfect." 

Brooke rolled her eyes, "I brought you one drink and you're already won over."

Opening my mouth to reply, I stopped when I saw Brooke opening her bag and  searching about wildly.

"What's wrong, have you forgotten something?" I asked concerned.

She pulled out her phone and checked the time "ten to two, we've got ten minutes."

"Ten minutes for what?" I whined feeling ignored.

Brooke's green eyes shot up to meet mine, she grinned grabbing my arm, "it's a secret."

She dragged me out of the baking hot shopping centre and into the fresh air, the cool breeze felt so good but I was apprehensive. "Brooke you haven't even found a dress yet."

She shook her head and muttered something I couldn't read as she kept her face looking straight ahead.

I sighed, "I have to read lips to hear you know."

She turned looking guilty, "I'm sorry Ri, I forget sometimes, you're amazing at hiding it you know."

"Three years practice" I replied smugly.

"Now shut up and trust me" She grinned wickedly.

We headed around the corner of the centre and just as I was about to pass a big concrete building, Brooke grabbed hold of my upper arm again and steered me in front of the big double doors. Posters were plastered over the doors, but I didn't get a chance to read them as Brooke practically shoved me through the doors like a human battering ram. I would have been annoyed at her roughness, but she was the one person that didn't treat me like I was made of fragile glass, in fact I appreciated Brooke even more for her unwavering friendship especially through the early days when it got bad for me.

As soon as I got through the doors I was hit with a queue of squealing girls, literally a mile long! And for once I was glad I couldn't hear, I turned to face Brooke, who looked like she was squealing along with the rest of the crowd.

"What are we waiting for?" I asked scanning the queue, noticing how it now extended out of the door around the corner and down the rest of the street  in mere minutes.

Brooke couldn't hear me, I tried nudging her but still no response.

I sighed and instead of moving forward with the queue I stopped and stood in front of her "you didn't need a dress did you? you wanted me to come with you to this." I gestured to the queue - a gap was already forming between us and the rest of the crazed girls.

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