Chapter Sixteen - Overloading the Senses!

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It's funny how life can turn in complete circles, it wasn't quite a week since we had met in the cafe and here we were, back in the secluded booth in the corner. This spot had become one of my favourite places along with the park and the lake, I glanced up at Frasier's contented face and snuggled in closer our steaming cups of coffee lay untouched in front of us. The weather outside of the cafe was grey and stormy but inside I couldn't have been any warmer.

Frasier gently traced the circle of my ear to get my attention, "when you said that I've never met a girl like you before, you couldn't have been any more spot on."

"Did it ever feel like..." I trailed off, for fear of sounding cheesy...

Frasier raised his eyebrows, giving me his famous languid smirk, "feel like?"

I bit my lip, knowing that he was just teasing me, "when we met... like it was..."

"Fate?" he supplied innocently his smirk  turning into a smug grin.

"It sounds stupid when you say it like that." I muttered deeply embarrassed.

"But it's true all the same." He said before I could turn away.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the love birds." Ronan laughed as he made his way through the occupied cafe, full of the usual businessmen and OAPs.

Stevie was with him, and I watched his expression carefully wishing I had had the chance to tell all of them about my deafness.

"I just wanted to say this," I began and felt Frasier's grip on my shoulder tighten, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I swear I was going to tell all of you today but last night..."

Ronan nodded but it was Stevie who spoke, "Riley we were going to apologise for that reporter, she had not right to do that to our friend."

I smiled as relief flooded through me, "so we are friends?"

"Of course!" The boys chorused.

"She was afraid that you were mad at her" Frasier added as a joke, "I already told her we were mad at the reporter and not her... you'd think the world revolves around Riley with how much she blames herself."

I smacked Frasier playfully around the back of the head, "shut it you, I'm talking to Ronan and Stevie - my friends."

"and so Frasier isn't a friend?" JJ asked as he joined us.

"No he's not." I chuckled as Frasier stared balefully at me, "he's my boyfriend."

The whole group cheered and whistled and Frasier sat next to me with the proudest grin lighting up his dimpled face.

As the group chattered excitedly around me, my eyes wandered over to JJ. Earlier this morning Brooke had come to comfort me, finding out about me and Frasier in the mean time as he - by my parents orders stayed the rest of the night sleeping on an air mattress in Kellan's room. He wasn't awake till late morning so I had plenty of time to be interrogated by Brooke before she turned, marched upstairs and threatened a sleepy Frasier about what will happen if he hurt her best friend. He looked terrified at Brooke's threats, replying that it was defiantly Brooke that wore the trousers in her and JJ's relationship.

I squealed and yanked her back downstairs as Kellan was busy showing Frasier his talent on the guitar. It was fun to interrogate her about "Jessie" as she now was calling him. And as sat and  watched his face I noticed a change in his features, his overbearing arrogance was still there, but it had a way of growing on people, no, the change was in his eyes, they seemed lighter, as if he was missing something before that made the maroon colour deeper and darker.  

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