Chapter Ten - I should have known!

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I opened my eyes to the warm sun that bathed my skin in a pool of golden light, the weather however did not match my mood like some chick flick movie. In my head it should be raining, the heavens opening up to cry for me, I should be seeing the raindrops mournfully drizzling down the windowpane. I rolled over and closed my eyes, I didn't want to face today, I didn't want to face what happened yesterday, I curled up in a ball under my covers, noticing that Cheska lay sprawled asleep across the foot of my bed.

She must have been worried to be sleeping there, I thought as I watched her before looking around the room guiltily, I had done it again...I had shut everyone out and hid behind my breeze-block-like wall. Berating myself, I got out of my bed, my confidence had been thoroughly shaken and by what?

By something I should have known from the moment I met him....

Stupid Girl I chided myself, as I got dressed, we weren't even dating....

No, that chance was gone now, and it was me and my family who had to pick up the pieces again. I looked in the mirror at my reflection, if I was expecting a dramatic change in my appearance, a haggard look maybe, I would be disappointed. Instead my reflection frowned back at me, eyes tired and hair like a birds nest. I attacked it with the hair brush, waking up Cheska in the process, it wasn't everyday that I had to wake her up.

She stretched and yawned, scanning the room with a startled expression.

I waited until she was up before facing my family, I guess I was hesitant about going downstairs because I could picture my mum sat at the table, a cup of coffee untouched in front of her and bags under her eyes. So much for promising to be strong, I thought biting my bottom lip.

As I entered the kitchen, I saw Kellan whip something behind his back, it looked like a newspaper. I gave him my "really...?" look, eyebrows raised as I waited, my mum put a hand on my shoulder, there were no need for words, I pulled her into a hug and held on to her like a helpless child.

Kellan wavered slightly, silently pleading with me.

I let go of mum, turning my attention back to Kellan, I folded my arms....the next step would be the tapping of my foot.

He wordlessly handed the paper over to me, and I saw exactly what I'd expected....


 With a picture perfectly encapsulating the moment when Frasier wasn't aware of the camera's attention, the redhead's hands were tangled in his hair....and... I put the paper on the table, refusing to read the article.

"Riley..." Kellan trailed off, before my mum interrupted him.

"He owes you an explanation," she said, "don't let him go without getting one."

I laughed bitterly, "what is there to explain when a picture's worth a thousand words?" 

"Exactly!" Kellan backed me up, "if I see him again I'll-"

"Let him explain..." mum finished, giving me her no-nonsense school teacher voice, "I don't know him, but I know what I saw, she had her arms around him, she was pulling him down into the kiss."

I looked wordlessly at my mum, "I can't see him again mum, it hurts..."

My mum shrugged, "I'm just giving you some advice, Riley the rest is up to you."

Kellan snorted as my mum went to get ready for work, she taught in the afternoon today so she didn't have to go in until break. He looked at me "tell me if he bothers you Riley."

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