Chapter Nineteen - By your side!

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Recap -  "Riley there's something else we need to talk about."

"Talk about what?" I asked suddenly very nervous.

"I'll call you every night and...." he trailed off wondering how I'd be able to hear him over the phone.

"I have text-to-speech, whatever you say out loud will be translated in to text so I can read it, and whatever I type will be translated by a creepy robotic voice."

Frasier grinned, "we can also Skype each other, I've got a secure account, and I'll come down to see you in a couple of days as well."

My smile grew as Frasier's ideas made me realise that our relationship could work.

"I wish I didn't have to put you through this," he began and my smile faded again.

"Through the distance?" I asked confused, "because that won't be a problem..."

"Not the distance," He said interrupting me, "the distance is the easiest part... Riley this week has been amazing, for the first time since I've become famous I've been able to move about nearly unbothered by the press, I got to meet you and I was inspired to write a song and when I told the audience that you were my girlfriend they actually cheered."

I smiled, recalling the amazing feeling of having a whole audience scream the roof down right in front of me, their phones flashing and banners unfurled.

Banners I thought confused...but how did they know we were...?

"Frasier, the crowd had banners." I said to him, but it was more of a question than a statement.

He nodded, "news travels like wildfire, it was a miracle that my fans didn't turn up with pitchforks... we've got the local support, probably because this is your home town and everyone knows you, but the rest of the fans aren't taking the news well."

I frowned as I considered his words, and I realised what he was saying was probably true, this was a small town with no connections to the bigger cities, where everyone knew everybody, it made hiding a secret almost impossible. I bit my lip as I considered the reactions towards Frasier having a "normal" girlfriend, I saw millions of disgusted faces scrutinising my every move, all judging and hating me solely because they wished they were in my shoes. Indecency's fan base were already phenomenal considering that they were only on their first official tour. No doubt the number of fans will triple as the boys grew more famous by the day. A sense of dread filled me when I realised that I hadn't really considered the implications of dating an up-and-coming famous musician, as especially as I was an average nobody from a small town.

"How did they know to bring banners?" I asked again as I looked up at Frasier's worried face.

"Riley, they've known about you the moment I gave you the VIP tickets and you came to see the concert. The press like to make a note of who I give the passes to, and well when I invited you and Brooke the reporters immediately started digging. I don't think they knew which of you they should be targeting and the distraction of the fan who kissed me kept them away until the pictures spread across the internet."

"The day we spent picking strawberries." I nodded.

"No the ones Ronan uploaded on the blog, the ones where we built the fort and posed in front of it, he stole them off of my phone when I was drunk. As soon as they were online the press seized them, it didn't help that Ronan added your name in the caption, the reporters knew that one, I'd invited you to the concert, two I performed a love song that wasn't on my album and three that these pictures were proof I had a mystery girl and now they knew your name."

I couldn't believe the lengths the press would go to, to get a stupid story, for a moment I didn't want Frasier to continue telling me all of this, so I let my eyes drop to my feet.

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