Chapter Twenty Two - The Interview!

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Jason met us in the entrance to the studio, he was standing next to a much older woman, she had mousey brown hair that was pulled up into a neat bun and she fixed me with her stern expression as her eyes scanned me from head to toe. But as we reached them she held out her hand and her smile softened her harsh lines of her face, "Riley it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Karen and I'm basically in charge of this numskull's public image." She said as she turned to glare at Frasier.

"You're late." She said disapprovingly, "it's a good thing Riley already looks ready for the camera because you do not."

She marched us down several corridors and into a small room, it looked vaguely like the hair salon that I went to, but much, much more high end. I was sat down next to Frasier as two stylist appeared chattering amongst themselves. Jason sat back and kept an eye on us as Karen went off to speak to the host. I giggled as one of the stylist battled to tame Frasier's hair, but I quickly stopped when my stylist picked up a lock of my wavy hair and examined the ends, "no splits." He smiled, "is it natural, the waves?"

I nodded, thankful that there was a mirror in front of me and I could see his mouth moving. "Right, excellent a quick brush and some product to smooth it down a bit and it'll be perfect, so we'll move straight to the makeup."

I've never been a great fan of makeup, "err can you keep it natural looking?" I asked knowing that some makeup was necessary for the cameras.

"You have my word," he joked as he began arranging the products in front of him, I sat as still as I could as he powered my face - making me sneeze and added gloss to my lips, just enough so that they were shinny but not sticky and my hair wouldn't get caught up in it, which was one of my most aggravating pet hates with makeup. When he got to my eyes he paused, "I was going to use a dark colour to bring out your blue eyes.." he trailed off looking thoughtful, "what to do about two colours hmm..."

I squirmed uncomfortable, I didn't like having my eyes examined, Frasier looked over at me and winked, "I know," the stylist said as he picked up a soft brush, "close your eyes." I did as I was told and tried not to let the tickling brush get to me. I wrinkled my nose in an effort to stop sneezing, after he was done I opened my eyes, there wasn't any difference I noted it apart from the shine on my lips and the soft brown eyeliner, I looked just the same.

"Wait till you get in front of the camera's" The stylist - Ben said to me as he moved onto my hair, I smiled back at him wondering what difference it would make. It took longer for me to get my hair and makeup done then Frasier who wandered off for a moment but when Ben was finally done arranging my hair Frasier re-entered the room fiddling with the collar on his shirt. I looked up at him, his hair was a painstakingly styled mass of curls, he also had been powdered and glossed, he licked his lips as an afterthought and grimaced.

"You look great," he said as I stood up and thanked Ben. "Karen really liked your dress, I think she adores you, you saved her a lot of hassle getting an outfit ready, she kept bugging me yesterday to find out your size but I told her you'd look perfect in anything you wore."

I blushed at his compliment and watched as he loosened his navy tie, "we look like we're going to a wedding," his tie was a close match to my dress.

"I hate wearing a tie," he moaned as we made our way through the double doors an onto the set.

"Hold on," I said as we stepped to the side to let a sound equipment guy hurry past with a new boom mike. I slapped Frasier's had away from his tie and preceded to take it off, "did you put it on yourself?" I asked as I untwisted the mass of silk.

"Maybe..." Frasier smiled sheepishly as I redid his tie.

"Perfect," I said leaning forward to peck him on the lips.

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