Chapter Thirty One: Looking to the Future!

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I sat with my parents in the centre of a bustling auditorium, I was nervous it seemed like everything was depending on this moment. On me. Oh, boy, that did not feel good. I was shredding a flyer unconsciously in my hands- unconsciously that is until my father reached out to still my busy hands.

I glanced guilty down and slowly signed the word for sorry. I smiled when he nodded his reply and turned back towards the stage. I could see though, how happy they both were that I started to use sign language. They saw it as a sign. I was moving forward, finally accepting the truth, that I was permanently deaf.

If I've learned anything I thought, as another hopeful person took to the stage, if I fail and Frasier and Indecency move on, the time I've spent with the guys, with him – I'll never regret it, they've given me so much. Inadvertently- yes almost by accident they opened a path for me.

Being deaf, doesn't mean the end of my dreams, it just means that new ones will take the place of the old. My life didn't have to stop the moment I fell down those stairs.

Why? Why had I spent so long feeling... bitter?

I patted Cheska's head, she wiggled appreciatively and settled back down at my feet, how many people had I affected with my passive attitude? Cheska I hid what she was from the world, she was trained for a role in my life I was unwilling to let her fulfil properly and Kellan, up there now taking the stage, where could he have been if I had noticed his pain sooner?

Let it go, it was time.

I smiled and waved at my brother as he introduced his song, he caught my eyes and smiled at me.

You know what? I thought to him, this is where you belong.


Standing ovation, the entire room erupted into applause, I could only see what I thought to be the back of the Evermore band member's heads, but even they were standing and clapping. I looked to my parents who were mesmerised, almost in a state of shock. It was hard to believe any of this was happening. And now as the break had everyone vacating their seats in favour of refreshments and I watched as Kellan approached me. Now was the moment to face Evermore.

I hugged Kellan on my way past.

"I'm so proud of you" I said, hoping he could hear over the chaos of the crowd.

His eyes watered before I was replaced with my parents leaning in to hug us both.

It was a truly, perfect moment.

"Go now Riley, it's your only chance." Kellan said as he shifted so he could sort of point in the direction of the exiting pop-stars.

Right this is it, I steeled myself and gave my family a quick nod before beginning to head in their direction.

It was hard moving through a sea of people, weaving in and out, almost growling at a woman who randomly decided to stop dead in front of me. I mean come on who does that?

Is it bad to say I cheated a little?

People made way instantly with Cheska by my side. I'd have been lost without her here today, lost like I thought I was before she graced my life.

I made it! I thought shoving the double doors open and sprinting down a disused corridor, Kellan had pointed to it earlier: a back way to the dressing room.

Not that I was going to lurk in wait for them, I wanted them to see that I respected them as much as a fan should.

I was out of breath by the time I got to the entrance, somehow... by a miracle (probably because of my canine best friend) I had managed to come face to face with the lead singer of Evermore.

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