Chapter Twenty One - First Encounters!

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The next day the newspapers printed a story about Brooke, speculating about her and JJ's relationship and whether it would last. I barely read the first paragraph before I chucked it in the bin. They had no right to do that I thought as I munched my cereal angrily, ever since everyone came home last night they've been walking on egg shells around me, it didn't help that I either yelled or just plain ignored their attempts at getting me to talk. To say I was in a bad mood was putting it lightly, I just couldn't get those girl's faces out of my head.

 Kellan avoided me the whole day, probably because as he pried my door open I threw a pillow at his head, it didn't hurt him of course, it was after all a pillow but he went off rubbing his eye and complaining about the zipper - whoops...

Even Cheska kept her distance, but at least she stayed in the same room at me. Having nothing at all to do I decided to get my coursework out of the way, I had a three thousand word English essay and a two thousand word History essay all due in at the end of the summer. I grumbled at the amount of work I had to do, this was just my coursework, the teachers still felt on top of all this that I needed regular homework as well, so as well as the two lengthy essays, I had three more to complete.

By the end of the day I had managed to complete the first draft of my English essay and was half way through the History one. Sighing I gave up deciding to go downstairs and watch some TV. As I made my way downstairs I saw that Kellan was already watching the music channel, I hesitated knowing that he wasn't talking to me. I hated when I pushed people away and knowing it was better to sort this out sooner than later I slunk over to my brother and sat beside him on the sofa.

He said nothing at my arrival but he did flick on the subtitles. We watched in a tense silence for a moment.

"When I took Cheska a walk there were these girls" I began softly.

Kellan looked at me, "what did they do?"

"They were talking about me, wondering why Frasier would go for a-a deaf girl."

Kellan's hands bunched into fists but he let me continue without a sound, "they told me that he was only dating me for publicity, and that he wouldn't actually stoop so low." I bit my lip as I finished the sentence.

"They don't know anything Riley, and they certainly don't know what's between you and Frasier, ignoring them is hard but if you see them don't even look at them then you can't read what their saying, they'd be invisible to you."

It actually felt better to tell someone about my problems, in a lighter tone I told him that Frasier would be making the trip down to see me.

"Great!" He grinned, "he can maybe stop you from acting like an angry dinosaur, stomping and throwing stuff around."

"I did not stomp."



I turned away from him blocking about his reply. A pillow sat next to me and I had to resist the urge to hit him over the head with it, I had learned my lesson about beating my brother with pillows.

We relapsed into a more comfortable silence and I pushed the incident with the girls on the street to the back of my mind. Cheska yawned and stretched out in front of the fire. It wasn't long before I lost the concentration needed to read the subtitles and dozed off.


I woke up my back aching, I reached up to pull my duvet tighter around me, when my hands met with a light blanket I was utterly confused. Lifting my head I looked around me, this wasn't my bedroom, I thought...oh...I must have fallen asleep on the sofa. Almost immediately I shot up off of the makeshift bed, Frasier was coming today! I rushed upstairs and jumped into the shower and  after drying my hair, I pulled on another one of my new dresses that I had brought on the latest shopping trip with Brooke. Since I hardly ever wore dresses I was unsure what style to go for so I stuck with my usual motto - if it's comfortable wear it. This dress had a blue and white stripy front, a little black belt and a high waist blue skirt, I paired it with some blue strappy sandals and tamed down my hair with the added assistance of some hair product.

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