Chapter Seven - The Crown Royal Hotel!

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The ride home was a blur, my eyes were drooping and I gently drifted in and out of sleep leaning on Brooke's shoulder. When we finally reached our house, Kellan pulled up, getting out of the car and opening the passenger side. He nudged me into consciousness.

"Frasier?" I murmured turning over to face him.

"Sorry to disappoint you Ri, it's me" Kellan smiled down at me speaking  when my eyelids fluttered open.

Oh no, did I just call Frasier's name out loud? "I didn't" I tried.

"You did," Kellan grinned wickedly as I undid my seat belt and got out of the car. I pushed passed him as he started to sing "Frasier and Riley sitting in a -"

I can't believe I said his name in my sleep! My cheeks were red and I stomped through my front door, not even bothering to hold it open for Kellan, it swung shut in his face. He didn't even blink as he opened the door and locked it behind him, he was still grinning from ear to ear. I followed him into the kitchen as he grabbed a pen and copied the number from his arm on to the piece of paper.

"Is that the girl's number?" I asked quietly as not to wake mum and dad.

Kellan chuckled, "one of them,"

There was no denying Kellan's ability to charm girls, he was the most popular guy at school before he left and now he's well on his way to becoming well known at his university. I was just grateful that he wasn't a jerk about it, he was nice and made friends easily, I couldn't have wished for a better brother.

I rolled my eyes and took off my shoes, "I'm going to bed."

"Goodnight Riley, sweet dreams"

I smiled at him.

"- Of Frasier," He finished smirking.

I punched his shoulder, "you had to go there, didn't you?"

He nodded pleased with himself, if I had the energy I'd try and wipe the grin off his face, in fact I would have told him that I had eaten his last Crunchie bar - not dad. I dragged my feet up the stairs, and flopped down on my bed, too tired even to get the makeup of my face - I'd pay for that one in the morning.


As the sun came up, and I'm guessing the birds started singing, isn't that a weird thought? Not being able to hear the morning bird calls, my brother thought it was a blessing, but trust me after three years you'd be wishing for a chance to hear them. Cheska's familiar golden face was busy pulling back my covers.

"Cheska! I'm awake already." I said pulling her in for a hug.

I looked down at my clothes, I was still wearing the T-shirt I'd worn to the concert, but thankfully I'd kicked off my skinny jeans before stepping into bed. I lifted my hand to wipe away the sleep from my eye, it came back sticky and black.

Oh no, my eyes are leaking tar! I thought, jumping out of bed to look in the mirror, a combination of eyeliner and mascara was streaked down my face. I was too tired to take it off last night, I sighed and vowed never again to fall asleep wearing makeup, I'd always wash it off, no matter what. I pulled out some face wipes and scrubbed at my face and only once it was red and squeakily clean, did I get changed.

The weather looked liked it would be a cooler day, there was a haziness to the light and I wondered if the sun would burn through. As I got down stairs and padded across the wooden floor to my family sized, farm house kitchen, I realised that my parents had already left for work. My dad gone to build another shopping centre away in the next couple of towns and my mum had gone to the local primary school she taught at.

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