Last chance

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Safaree's POV:

I'm ready to show and prove to Nicki that I'm the one for her. Wayne ran in on our two day time and it was only the first day. And thanks to him my women is stressed and now rushing time. So now I only have half of today to show her that I'm the one.

I met Nicki in her room and she was waiting on her bed.

"Hey Safaree" she said coming to hug me.

"Hey" I said hugging her back.

"I know you only have right now and a few more hours to win me over but I wanna say that it's been a great journey with you. No matter how much you guys try I love you both and it was a great journey with you both" she said.

"I feel the same. Being able to just have the chance to be with you was great and I hope I get to win and be with you after all this" I said. She smiled and hugged me while kissing my cheek.

"Let's get to know eachother more" she said taking my hand. We walked out the room and the hotel and went to a coffee shop.

"What is your favorite color?" I asked. She laughed.

"I like pink. But I like all the other colors and prints too" she said.

"Okay. And who is your favorite artist?"

"Lauryn Hill. I love her" she said.

"Me too" I said.

"OMG, really? I've never really heard a man say that" she said.

"Well I do and I don't care" I said.

"That's great. What is something you wanna get out the way before you die?" She asked.

"To be in the best place in my life. Have everything I've ever wanted accomplished be accomplished" I answered. "What about you Nicki?"

"Not many people know this but I really want to have a positive impact on everyone's lives. I want to not only leave a mark as best female rapper but I wanna be known as a great person from all around the world. I wanna be heard and seen as a great person that was here at some point and still want to be relevant" she said.

"That's deep. And any person should want that" I said. She smiled." But if that doesn't happen I hope you know that you made a great impact on me".

"Thanks Safaree" she said. "I'm glad I got the chance to meet with you." She said.

"My pleasure and thank you. It's an honor" she giggled and took my hands.

"If I don't choose you I want you to still be the same great person you are and keep being positive and moving forward" she said. I smiled.

"I will" I said. She kissed my cheek and got up.

"I'll see you at eliminations tomorrow" she said. I hugged her. A part of me was nervous and the other part I wasn't nervous. I don't want Nicki out of my life. She left.

Nicki's POV:

Safaree and me bonded and I just hope I can bond more with Wayne now. Yet If I did bond too well with the guys it would be hard to choose which direction I should go. I went up to Wayne's room and knocked. After a few seconds he opened the door and we walked out the hotel. I took him to the beach and we sat down by the shore. The water went up to our feet and no further.

"Is there anything you wanna say?" I asked.

"I love you Nicki. I've never really got close to you but I know that there is something between us. You're everything I ever wanted in a women for me" he said.

"Awe really?" I asked smiling.

"Yes. And I know I have a daughter, but that shouldn't be a reason for you to change your mind" he said.

"Wayne you're right. I love your daughter and I wouldn't change my mind for that. If I changed my mind it wouldn't be because of her. It would be because of myself because I know I wouldn't be ready to be a stepmom, let alone a mother myself" I said.

"I get that. All women have to be ready to be a mother figure. But my daughter doesn't need a mother figure. She already has a mom. Yet I'm not saying you shouldn't pay attention to her cuz she will bug you as of being Nicki minaj", I started laughing.

"Yeah and I'm totally cool with that. She is my little ladybug and barb" I said.

"Nicki I really just hope you and me can become more. I really like you and I don't wanna leave this island without you" he said.

"I have decisions to make and it won't be easy but I can say I hope we become something more too" I said. He leaned over and kissed me deeply. I kissed him back and realized his lips were so soft. Like softer than mine. I smiled while kissing him and pulled away. I stood up with him.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow" he said.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow" I said hugging him. "And if I don't pick you I want you to keep moving forward with your life and keep being a father to your daughter. "

"Thanks and I will" he said. I smiled walking away. I went up to my room and took a long hot shower and thought long and hard.

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