A new Side

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Nicki's POV:

Today was Wayne's day with me. After Safaree left my room, I got ready to meet him at a restauraunt for breakfast. His dreads were in a nice ponytail and he looked good.

"Morning beautiful" he said giving me a hug and kiss. He pulled my seat out for me and then sat next to me.

"Morning Wayne. How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Fine, you?"

"Okay. So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"I was thinking we do the massages and the hawaiian dinner" he said.

"That sounds fun" i said. Our waiter came over and took our orders.

"Yeah i was thinking you could use some relaxtion" he said.

"Awe, thanks."

"Welcome. Nicki can I tell you something?" he asked.


"I know you have your ex here and Safaree is like having cool points with you and i just see me and Nas having to really compete for you but I want you to know that I can give you something no other guy can offer"

"And whats that?"

"Dedication" he said.

"Well Wayne you don't have to work yourself. I like you just like i like Safaree. Yall are the only two im really looking at" i said.He smiled.

"Oh. That's what's up then" he said making me laugh. We ate then went to go get our massages.  "oh I meant to ask how you liked my family" he said.

"I love your family. And your daughter is so cute to me" i said.

"Yeah and you cute to her. Just got you plastered everywhere" he said as i laughed.

"I wonder if you do the same" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Might have a picture or two" he said chuckling. I continued laughing.

"You're so funny" i said.

"So what do you like to do if you not working?" he asked.

"I like to sleep or catch up on tv shows. I definately like to spend time with my family and eat all can" i said. "Or if its not that i plan more for my career or finish up quicker then make it a surprise for my fans".

"Ohh. That sounds like a womens work after she has herself together".

"Yeah but I do it for my family, my fans and myself. I don't see myself doing anything else and no one else does either at this point" i said laughing with him. "But what about you?".

"If im not working I spend time with my daughter. If I was with someone then they would have my time too".

"Do you work alot?"

"Yes but if it has to do with family then I stop".

"Yeah, not everyone can work and play" I said.

"Thats what im saying" he said as we stood to stretch.

"Wow that massage felt great" I said with Wayne at the same time. We started laughing together. I took a seat on the beach by the shore next to Wayne.

"You can lay on me" he said. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Why did you come and join the competition?" i asked.

"To be honest Reginae seen youe tweet and signed me up without telling me. But i couldn't resist no way. Coming into the house i seen how real it was and everything and seeing you... It just left me speechless and wanting to win. I really wanna win you over". I sat up taking in what Wayne said and he just looked at me. "What?" he asked.

I leaned in close to his face and kissed him deeply. When he kissed me back I felt him pull me more to him and passionately kiss me. I pulled away after a while. I looked our at the ocean thinking. Wayne has showed me something i havent found in the other guys. Passion.

Wayne's POV:

Nicki and me shared this great kiss and it felt like love. I can tell she was shocked just as I was. We stood and walked along the beach shore up to the hotel.

"Wanna go swimming in the pool?" she asked.

"Yeah" i said following her.  I took off my shirt as she took off her shorts and we both got into the pool.

"Wayne thank you for that massage. I guess I did need some relaxing" she said giggling.

"Ain't the only thing you need" I said.

"What else do I need?" she asked.

"A real man by your side" I said swimming to her. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I held hers.

"Do you think you're that?" She asked.

"I know I can be that for you" I said. She blushed and I smiled grabbing her ass then moving away. She laughed splashing me. "Couldn't help it, it was calling my name" I said teasing her.  She kept laughing.

"We should go get ready" she said getting out the pool. I followed getting my shirt. We went up to our rooms and I watched as she went into hers. I went into mines and changed.

Nicki's POV:

Wayne...I love Wayne. I love guys that can make me laugh. It lets me know they aren't negative energy.

I know we are goin to a hawaiian themed restauraunt and I changed into a dress that had a hula dancer outfit around it. I laughed looking into the mirror. I wonder what he is gonna say about this. I heard a knock at the door and knew it was him. I opened the door seeing wayne with a single red rose.

"Awe thanks" i said taking it.

"Welcome. " He said smiling at me.  "Your dress is funny. I think the dancers might get offended" he said making me laugh.

"Maybe but who cares. " i said grabbing my things and leaving out the door with him.  Going to the restauraunt we held hands and talked. Seemed like the more i got to know Wayne, the more we had in common and deeper relationship we had. We had danced and ate the night away. Not realizing what time it was until after we left the restaurant, Wayne and I were pretty drunk off of a couple of drinks. And i would say too many. He was talking about baby mama drama. I had got his key leaving him in his room sleeping. Going to my own room I needed to chill and think out things.

For the love of Nicki MinajNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ