Crack in The Shield.

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Dean's POV:

I tell you one fucking thing. I went to dinner anyway. I paid for it, I arranged it, it'd be rude not to go. I forced myself to get ready and put on this really dumb new suit that I bought to impress...her. Sami walked in right after Aj had left and just stared at me. "Are you okay?" "I can't get this fucking thing on! Dammit! Whatever. Let's just go." "Jon-" "This is just stupid! You know! This whole thing." Sami sighed,"If you're to upset we don't have to go-" "Shut up! We're going!" I yelled. I shoved him out of the way and walked to the door. Sami hesitated but followed. I listed every single fucking thing wrong with April but the simple fact that she's a cold-hearted bitch and she's crazy, stood out the most. How could she do this to me? I've never felt so stupid in my life. I'll show her. I'll show them all. No one takes advantage of me.

When we got there, I immediately spotted Roman so I drug Sami over to the table where sat all of my friends and their better halves. I came to realize that, besides Sami, I was the single one. Before the ice queen came into my life, I was always the single one. I was perfectly content with being on my own, doing my own thing, just cruising through life. But no. Aj came along, took control of my heart, put it into overdrive then we ended up sailing over a bridge. I try to escape and while I'm doing that, I realize I'm alone. I'm alone again and I'm around all these people. I..I sound like an idiot. I just really miss Aj.

"Where's Aj?" I looked across the table where I was sitting, directly at Kaitlyn. Ah, Kaitlyn. She probably knew exactly what was going down tonight. As a matter of fact, Alicia probably did to. Ugh, women. I ordered a bunch of wine making it seem like it was for them but really it was all for me. How else was I suppose to make it through this dinner? I jabbed my fork into the steak I was eating then put my feet up on the table rudely and smiled, "Why should I give a damn where Aj is?" "Uh-" "She dump me. Isn't that great, Kaitlyn? This is what you wanted. She's going back to Phil and you know that's fine I guess because hey, why go for Ambrose when she can for "the best in the world" right?

I sat up straight as everyone stared at me. I kept stabbing my steak over and over not even eating it. "Did she say why?" I looked up at Seth who looked worried to death. Seth was always just a little bit more caring than Roman. Roman gets irritated a lot while Seth is super patient all the time. However, I snapped on him for the simple fact that the face he was making reminded me of her, "No the fuck she didn't! She just left me! She just.." My voice started to crack and I started rocking back and forth in my chair. The waitress came over with the wine and I took it, opening it quickly and chugged it from the bottle. I spat it out immediately, "this stuff is really horrible, my god. You'd think the booze would be good with these prices." "Hey man, you gotta chill out alright? You're making a scene," Sami whispered.

I held my hands up, setting the wine down, "You can have the rest. Tastes horrible like ass." "You've tasted ass?" I couldn't help myself, I laughed. Sami always knew what to say to cheer me up. "Well, you see, you have no idea the kinky shit I'm into, Callihan." "Gross." We both laughed and I fist bumped him. It was good to laugh but it was only for a moment. If I can't have Aj, I'd honestly rather just get wasted in some bar. Or strip club...I wonder what that stripper was up to. You remember? Candice, the I almost took home. I wonder what she's doing. I'm gonna find out though. I stood up suddenly and Seth looked at me, "You're going to miss the announcement Kaitlyn and I are about to make." "Make it fast. I have a prior engagement to get to."

"Kaitlyn and I are having a baby." I stared at them blankly as everyone else congratulated them then, out of nowhere, I started laughing. "You're gonna be a dad? Seth you wear Scooby doo boxers, how in the hell..oh wait, no. You're going to treat this just like the time you got Paige pregnant. You're gonna run away and watch your daughter grow up from the sidelines." It felt so good to drop that bomb even though it was terrible timing. Roman stared down at his food, big man always so silent. Only the shield knows about Seth being the father to Paige's daughter. Not even the ladies of the shield, Kaitlyn and Alicia, know. Sami's been only around for a little bit so I just never got around to telling him.

"What.." Kaitlyn whispered then looked at Seth, "Is this true?" Seth stuttered,"I, I was gonna tell you-" "When Seth!?" "Kaitlyn I-" "Whatever." Kaitlyn stood up and stormed passed me out of the restaurant. Seth just stood there like an idiot for a second then ran after her. "Dude, what the hell?" Roman glared at me as if I did something wrong. I shrugged, "If I learned anything tonight, is that the truth hurts. Bad. It rips away at you and tears you to shreds then it skips around and around and around..oh what the hell, I'll drink to that." I grabbed the horrible tasting wine and drank straight from the bottle again then said, "Alicia, did you tell Roman about the miscarriage or?"

Another bomb, a weight off my shoulders, with the worst possible timing. Roman quickly turned to her, "Miscarriage? What miscarriage?" Alicia glared at me, "You're an ass, Ambrose." "What can I say? According to Aj, honesty is the best policy." It isn't. It's a bitch, not a damn policy. "Alicia." Roman's voice kinda boomed and she turned to him, saying the same thing Seth said, "I was going to tell you." "Easy, big man. It was before your time. Around when you two first got together. It wasn't yours." Roman's eyes just glanced everywhere, trying to decide whether he was angry or sad or both. I smiled, not giving two fucks, spreading the truth like a disease and said, "Don't you wanna know why I know for sure it wasn't yours?" Roman didn't say anything and Sami stood up, tugging my arm, "You've done enough damage. You've made your point, come on before Reigns shows you why they call him superman." "The baby she was suppose to have? Mine."

I'd never seen Roman stand up so quickly but he nearly knocked the table over and grabbed me by my collar. I started laughing like a mad man and I encouraged him, "Nice handle, Reigns. You gonna hit me? Come on then! Do it! Come on Samoan Superman! Show me! Show me that deadly punch you're so infamous for! Show me!" I tugged his hair and our foreheads lied against one another. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at us and I smiled, just to make him angrier. Alicia was trying to pull him away but since he was bigger that must've been pretty difficult. Sami tried pulling me back but I kept stepping closer to Reigns. This will get him. I know it will.

Another smile crept on my face and this is what finally set him off, "I've been in your wife so deep so many times that I'm pretty sure my name is imprinted in-" That's when he struck me and I would've fallen on the ground but Sami caught me last minute. He shook his head and that's when Reigns left. Alicia followed. It was just Sami and I now. I licked the blood off my lip and Sami let me stand up straight. I brushed my hands over my suit and looked around at everyone then smiled, "I know, I know. I look great." "Jon, I know you're hurt about the Aj situation. I get it. She broke your heart. I've been there, you know that. But that doesn't mean you get to destroy relationships because yours isn't so hot." "Oh but Sami, it's such a rush. The truth shall set you free, my brother! And that's exactly what it's doing." Sami sighed, "Let's get you home. It was a mistake letting you out like this."

Sami turned around heading toward the door, probably expecting me to follow. "Cassidy might not be your daughter." Sami stopped in his tracks then slowly turned around, "Excuse me?" "I was messing around with your, at the time, wife. Chrissy was suppose to tell you but I guess since I stopped sleeping with her, she just never really got around to it." Sami looked like he'd just been hit in the gut with a barbed wire bat and I just stared at him. I guess it's a tough pill to swallow when you find out this little girl that you thought was yours from the beginning, for three years, may not necessarily be yours. But your best friend's. That was some tv shit. "You...Chrissy..what.." I shook my head, "Sam, man, don't act like you didn't know. She was a slut since day one. She would've given it up to anybody back then I mean honestly."

"Chrissy was the first girl I've ever fallen in love with!" I nodded, "I know," then quickly added, "It's not like we haven't shared before." "This was Chrissy!" "What difference does it make? She's your ex wife now." "Both of you lied to me! Both of you! You two were going around behind my back screwing one another." "If it makes you feel any better, the bits and pieces I remember about sleeping with her, she wasn't good. Like at all. Worst slut ever. She couldn't even give head properly." Sami struck me next and this time I fell to the ground then I watched him leave the restaurant like the last two.

I regret how I dropped all this info on them but it made me feel lighter. They'll learn in time.

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