"Woke" Is a Lie

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The "woke" movement is a lie designed to make people on opposing sides feel morally inferior, and to be a self-proclaimed "woke" person is to lie to yourself and deny others the chance to think for themselves, and constantly look to be offended when there is nothing to be offended about. This is not to say people who say woke are all stupid. It means that stupid opinions without facts stamped with the woke title are stupid. If someone doesn't like your opinions, that means you have some truth to it, or because you don't. Being likable to everyone is not a worthy prize in life.

The only way to restore the world is to allow freedom of thought and speech and to give up ways to constantly be offended and angry. Be brave enough to think for yourself.

In the real world, you will get offended. In the real world, something someone says will make you upset. Beat up the power created by "woke" people, question what you are told, because what you are told can never be really always be true. Don't listen to hearsay or lies from either side and remember God and faith in yourself is the only way to life, and that God isn't a Republican or a Democrat and maybe taking political sides is starting to blind us all. Politics is not the way to peace or to God. Politics will only lead us down an endless rabbit hole of evil lies and myths that we need to stop listening to.

I'm tired of fake "woke" people pretending to be all for the environment and then taking private jets and things of the like, then claiming the common person is the only one in the wrong. Reminds me of what Jesus said about the wood in a man's eye who critiqued another. It is all insanely stupid.

No point in political parties. It's all divisive.

Think for yourselves. We are meant think for ourselves! Think back to John Locke (rights to life, liberty, and property.) Don't we all deserve to think our thoughts without being put down for it? Think what you want and say what you want as long as it is kind. Never use your freedom of speech as slander, or hate, and if you do be prepared for consequences.

Until next time, God bless. And remember..those who call themselves "woke" and aren't kidding are most likely not seeing the real truth.

this was an opinion statement.

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