Fake Sympathy

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"I'm so sorry! I didn't know that happened! I promise I won't tell anybody!" I'm sure we all have heard someone say this whether they truly meant it or not. Most of the time, people don't.

Be careful who you tell your secrets to. Because you never know if they just want a story to tell others or if they really care. I only have a handful of people, not even, I can trust with all my heart. My parents always said the people in your family, mother, father, sister, etc. are the only ones you can trust with all your heart.

Fake sympathy is very annoying. I have gotten it a lot over the past months since March. And I don't fall for it. Just yesterday when something happened, a girl my age walked up to me and said, "(Name), what happened? Are you okay?"

I said, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm not allowed to tell, so." And that's it. All you have to say is something like that and just dismiss it. She then told me to feel better and walked off.

Avoid fake sympathy. Don't confuse people wanting a gossip story with people who care.

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