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Most bullies personally feel inferior to those they are bullying or someone else. I recently made a short film about bullying in school and I felt I needed to address the topic, so I'm going to be covering it in parts, to cover the different types of bullying there are. Some of them you can't even notice until someone else tells you the situation is off.

You have to understand that people bully others because they feel inferior. Now they may not show it or look like it, but, deep down they don't feel they are good enough and they are taking that anger out on others.

Bullying goes against the Fifth Commandment, You Shall Not Kill, because it is the murder of someone's happiness and spirit. Killing doesn't always have to mean physically hurting someone. Emotional pain can really be just as awful. 

Remember you're not alone and that God loves you in all you do.

God bless you all! ❤️❤️

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