Old Friends

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We all have old friends we miss and love, or maybe don't even love and miss. Sometimes friendships are ended by distance, or sometimes, they're ended by conflict that cannot be resolved. Mainly, a few of my friendships have ended by distance.

I'll admit I am still a bit bitter about the fact I have drifted apart from some people, but I do wish them all the best. I suppose I still have the memories, whether good or bad. Sometimes I ask myself whether I miss the memories or the person, and I never really know the answer.

Old friends that don't contact you probably are not worth your time. If you find that you are the only one initiating the contact, or the only one caring, maybe it is time to let go and let yourself breathe and think. God will guide you on your path, always.

I have several friends I thought I would be friends with for forever, but that didn't happen. I still get upset about it sometimes, even if I have always been told that would happen. That always seems to be the case, doesn't it? Someone tells you something and you think yeah, sure, and then it happens and you realize that person was completely right.

Friends are supposed to support and love each other. If you lose friends, and you did nothing wrong, then maybe that friendship wasn't meant to last.

It's okay to miss fun times, but remember your worth.

Breaking a friendship is easier said than done. Above there's a song I really love that reminds me of this topic. (: Enjoy your day.

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