Hiccup then went to go check on (Y/n). He went into the tent, expecting to see her resting her leg, but, of course, that wasn't the case. He walked inside and saw that she was gone again. He huffed and went back out. He walked over to the others, doing a glance around just to make sure he hadn't missed her on accident. After he was certain she wasn't around, he asked the others,

"Anyone seen (Y/n)? She's gone again."

"Oh, for the love of Thor, that girl cannot stay put!" Gobber complained.

"I think she went for a run with Nightshade," Carl replied with a smile. Hiccup nodded, starting to head off.

"I'm going to go look for her. With the wolves still out there, it's too risky for now."

"She has an overprotective Armor Blade with her. She's practically invincible." Gobber retorted.

"She shouldn't be out on that leg anyway." Hiccup argued back. Gobber's face fell slightly, clearly annoyed.

"She also has an overprotective boyfriend," Gobber commented, making everyone around chuckle and snort, trying not to laugh any louder. Hiccup rolled his eyes and went off.

Meanwhile, in the forest, (Y/n) and Nightshade were having the time of their lives. Nightshade loved to run. Armor Blades needed to run as much as fly so their long slender legs could support their bodies and wings and so they could climb with ease. And Nightshade was one of the fastest Armor Blades they'd ever come across. Even Shiverwater couldn't match her speed, meaning the thrill of the run was amazing for both dragon and rider when they were together. Plus, the new terrain meant finding new running paths, so the thrill of the run also got to meet the thrill of adventure.

"YEAAAAAH!!" (Y/n) cheered as Nightshade jumped over a river and kept running at full speed. She held on tight, not even having to steer the dragon as the forest growth rushed by, appearing and disappearing just as quickly. The two were one like this, gladly sharing both land and sky. Nightshade was more than just a means for flight. The pair did everything they loved together and they refused to tire of it. It was perfect. 

Soon, they made it to the opposite edge of the island. Nightshade slid to a halt across the grass as they stopped just before they would've run right off the edge. Not that it would've been dangerous for them, but still. Nightshade was panting heavily, letting the fresh air fill her lungs as the dragon caught her breath.

(Y/n) patted her side proudly before sliding down and taking a seat on the fresh grass that was blowing in the breeze. She took in a deep breath of her own, almost tasting the salty ocean air and dangling her legs over the edge. Nightshade plopped down as well, still getting her breath back. "Getting faster, girl. Bet those legs are nice and strong." Nightshade roared happily and proudly as (Y/n) chuckled.

"So, this is where you two have been?" They both turned as they heard Hiccup fight his way through the shrubbery. He got out of it with a huff and walked over. "You know you should be resting." (Y/n) sighed at his words, glad that he cared but also knowing that he was being a little obsessive.

"Hiccup, you don't have to worry about me so much." She told him. "I'm a leader in my own right. I can handle going out with Nightshade." 

"You were nearly killed last night, (Y/n). If it hadn't been for me finding you-"

"I know." She cut him off. He looked at her as she looked out over the ocean. He saw that familiar longing look in her eyes. It was the same as his own. That feeling neither of them could ever get enough of. The feeling was both their greatest treasure and the heaviest burden. The reason why? Well, they always wanted more and that was something that could be beautiful and terrible all at once. Still, the pair had chosen to focus on the good sides a long time ago. Dwelling on the potential downfalls wasn't worth it. It was best to enjoy it while it lasted.

Tameless but Together (Hiccup x Reader 3)Where stories live. Discover now