Chapter 7 ~ the alphas son

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(Scott's pov)

I ran into the house as fast as I could. Yes I did think about what Tayla must of been thinking, I knew she knew that something was wrong, she always seems to knows, which is why I love her. As soon as I ran into the kitchen I yelled out, "DAD? MUM?" No one replied, "CYNTHIA?" I yelled out. No reply again, I was angry, frustrated, and the gap between me and my wolf side was just on a thread of string. I saw a note on the bench and red it, "To Scott, we have gone out food shopping, your father is at the pack meeting if you need him. Love mum xx" I scrunched the note and dropped it to the floor, pulled my top off and shoes and shorts, and ran out the back, with my 'super' vision, I could see if anyone would notice me, no one did so I ran outside, jumped the tall fence at the back and shifted. The last thing I remember hearing while I was human was the sound of my boxers being ripped in half. It was so good to have my wolf side released. With my black fur covered all over my body, the picture of Tayla sleeping on her bed kept me calm, but not calm enough to growl and howl, letting my dad know it's me coming. I ran and ran through the forest, jumped over logs, branches, fallen over trees, until I came to the clearing. There was a big old tree that used to be hear like 50 years ago. It was cut down because it was to big, perfect for my pack. It was just like a cave opening. Except no cave, but a big lump of rock/clay the stood right near the top of the clearing, where my dad would normally stand when talking to the pack. We call it the alphas rock. I jumped on the alphas rock and growled, "father!!!". My dad heard me and turned around. He was talking to my packs elders, Janiene and Gary. They where both about 60 something, they where very, very wise and really good at advice. My father prowled towards me as I jumped off the alphas rock, the rock was pretty tall, but me being me, I jumped off It anyways. "What is it son? Is your mother alright?" I nodded my head and growled at the thought of that alphas evil smile that cut me deep. I could hear what he was thinking, he was thinking of taking her, loving her, making her his. Even just the thought of him touching her made me growl with anger. My father gave me a worry look as he shifted into his human self. He picked off some pants that he'd thrown on the ground earlier and put them on, he then picked up some shorts and threw them to me. I shifted back into my human self and put the shorts on. Janiene walked away but Gary stayed. As I put the shorts on, my father asked," what is it my boy? Are you alright?" my father was different from other alphas. He was rarely ever mean, never started fights, but he was powerful, and can get angry if another wolf pisses him off. That is what my mother did, he basically changed him. As my grandfather told me, my dad used to be very angry all the time, being 24 and had not found your mate yet, really get the wolf side angry. So when he met my mums pack for the first time, and he saw her, that black heart of his melted. He fell inlove with her instantly. Yes her pack didn't like the idea of giving their alphas daughter away, but she was the most beautiful in her pack.

Even tho none of the wolves where bounded to her, they still wanted her. And as my mother has told me, when she first saw him, she knew she was bounded to him too. And no matter what type of wolf your bounded to, your bounded to them. And no one, I mean no one can ever change who your bounded to. Even if you married and have a family, and you see your bounder across the street, the wolves natural instinct is to love your bounder. So you'd have to leave your family and your wife for this one girl that you could never live without. My father gave me a puzzled look and I shook my head. " no I'm not ok dad. Something really bad had happened." I looked down at the floor trying not to show my weakness to him. (A wolf thing) Gary looked at me and shook his head, "there's another." My father looked at Gary, "another what?!" Gary sniffled and layed down next to me. Being the elder he is, he can talk human in his wolf form. "Tayla, there's another wolf bounded to Tayla." When the problem struck my dad he growled, I could tell he was about to get angry. He liked Tayla, not in that kinda way, but because she was basically another daughter to him. And being the alpha that he is, he is very protective of his friends and family.

"But that's not possible, she's Scott's, she loves Scott as much as he loves her."
I laughed under my breath, "I really don't think she loves me dad." My dad came over to me and stood right infront of me. " son, I know she does, she doesn't want to admit it to herself because you are the best of friends" he gave me a deadly look and turned around and sat down on a log seat. Every month, the pack and I, have a bonfire here, we tell stories, from scary ones to awesome ones to old ones, we just can never be bother to put the logs, cut in half logs, and couches away so we just leave them there. I went and sat down next to him. "We need to think of something, if that alpha is bounded to her as well, he's a lot more stronger and noble then you. He must be a very caring wolf if he hasn't ripped you to shreds yet." Gary said as he sat infront of us. He never liked being in his human form, being the old man that he is. But his form is like 20 years younger then him, so he's alot more younger and free in his wolf form. I smiled at the thought of him growling when I took Tayla away into my car at the ice cream parlour. My dad shook his head," son, I'd be careful if I were you, with an alpha bounded to your Luna as well, it will be very hard to keep her. Everytime you touch her or even talk to her, he will go nuts inside, his wolf side is a lot more needy then yours, he feels as though he needs her more then you, which isn't the case." I nodded in agreement. "Now young one, go find your mate, spend as much time with her as possible, you never know when it might be the last time." Gary said to me with a worried look. I looked at my dad and he nodded at me to let me go. I jogged away, out of the clearing area. Since I'm a wolf I can run really fast, so I ran, not changing into my wolf, as much as I love the feeling of running as a wolf, I'm in the camping area of town and didn't want anyone to see an 8 foot black wolf running through the camp. So I kept on jogging, well running as most people call it. When I got to the back of my house I grabbed the top of it and jumped over. Her scent filled my lungs and I instantly relaxed, knowing she was ok. I looked through my 2nd vision and saw her playing with silver! I knew he was just a man in disguise, her parents had one of our old pack members to watch over her. She looked so happy playing with him. I couldn't help but running right through the house and looked through the front window, and of corse I saw him. That alpha watching her, with his brown coat covering him, I growled. Him having alpha like hearing, he heard me and looked at me, his mouth went into a snarl and he ran back into the forest. I used my 2nd vision to see what Tayla was doing, she was getting undressed for something, then I heard the shower go on, and then I realised she was having a shower, and I was using my 2nd vision to see what she's doing. I quickly switched back to me, didn't want to see anymore. As much as I'd like to, and my wolf side was begging for me to keep watching her, but even as much as I want her, I respect her, and I don't want to be a pervet. She's so beautiful, perfect, everything any wolf would want. I just hope I get to have her before Hale makes a move.

(This is a really long chapter, sorry I just got lost into it 😂

Beth xx)

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