The Not So Perfect Timing ❁

Start from the beginning

"Of course I want to do it."

I gulped the moment I heard him.

"I'd be a hypocrite if I told you that I hadn't been thinking about it." He added and I swear I saw him swallowed right after.

I could feel my heartbeat growing wild behind my chest and I ended up biting my lower lip again as the tension increased between us.

"Ugh, I...I have to get changed." I told him absent mindedly and I knew fully well how foolish I sounded.

I got off the bed once more and turned around, not really knowing where to go.

"Third Closet on the left."

I turned around to face him, immediately throwing him a questioning look.

"Open it when you see it." He instructed casually.

I nodded in response, afraid that any word that would come out of my mouth would only make the situation more awkward.

I went straight to where his closets were located. I could remember how the room looked like. There were several closets but my eyes darted to the particular closet when he shoved me and kissed me the last time. I instantly blushed as the thought as I recalled how that exact kiss felt like. I even stopped on my feet and dedicated a few good seconds thinking about it.

I shouldn't be really thinking about this right after the kind of conversation we just had, right?

"Gosh, Park Hae Won. Focus." I scolded myself as I looked for the third closet on the left.

I stood in front of it and hesitated a bit. I didn't really know what I was expecting exactly but still had my jaw dropped when I saw the contents when I finally opened it. There were about two sets of Pajamas hanged inside, a padded jacket, and two dresses. One was rust and the other one was the lightest shade of blue. The corners of my lips automatically turned upwards.

Did he get all of these for me? I mean it's wrong to be assuming but, what else should I be thinking?

I should definitely consider myself lucky to have him as my boyfriend... no I'm blessed. He's so sweet and considerate and never failed to make my heart flutter every single time.


When I got back, he was already soundly sleeping. I sat next to him carefully, scared that I might wake him up. I watched him as his eyes were closed and listened to his slightly ragged breathing. I had my back leaned against the headboard while I gently stroke his hair away from his eyes.

I sighed as I silently told myself that I could do this forever. It was just somehow making me a bit sad that he had to be sick first for him to take a rest like this. I knew he's been rehearsing nonstop for his upcoming tour. And he, being sick just meant that he needed to slow down a bit and take care of his health.

I kept stroking his hair until I grew sleepy before I closed my eyes and finally gave in to sleep without shifting my position.


I didn't know what time was it exactly when I felt him waking me up.

"Baby." He muttered, I felt his warm hand on my cheek.

I struggled to open my eyes and realized that he had already turned off the lights leaving the lamp the only thing on.

"Baek...are you okay? How do you feel?" I blurted out as I also brought a hand to his forehead.

There was a subtle smile on his lips as he took my hand off his face and held it.

"I'm fine." He replied. "I just woke you up so you could lie properly."

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