Chapter 25 ~ Locked Up

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I stayed there with my hands up and looked at the police. "Walk slowly towards us with your hands up" on of the cops say. I did as I was told and walked towards them. One of them grabbed my wrist and roughly put it behind my back along with the other one. "Your under arrest,you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you can't afford one, one will be provided for you".

They locked the hand cuffs and placed me in the back of the police car. We finally reached the police station and they roughly pulled me out the car and into the station. While we walked in I saw a lot of people who were raging at the police and some who were locked in the cell. They put me in one of the holding cells. "Wait can i make a phone call" I said and the police man nodded.

I went to the phone and before I put a number in I thought of who to call. 'Taehyung' my mind thought and I pit the number in. It ranged about 3 times before he could answer

Phone conversation


Taehyung it's me Y/n

Yeah what's wrong-T

I um... I'm locked up right now


Yeah so can you do me a great big favor?

Yeah sure anything-T

I need you to watch hyun ki and Jihyun until I figure this out

Yeah sure no problem-T

Thanks Tae, Bye

With that I hung the phone up and the police man took me back into the holding cell. I sighed and thought about what is going to happen to me. "Jeon Y/n" a lady called, "Yes?". "The prossecuter is ready to question you. I nodded and they opened the cell door and took me for questioning.

I sat down and waited for the prossecuter. They door open and revealed a man. The man sat down in front of me. "My name is prossecuter kang daniel, now let's get started" he said and started to take out papers from his brief case. "Okay, what were you doing on the property"?. "I was kidnapped and I don't know where I am". "Who kidnapped you?". "My ex husband, ex girlfriend" I stated bored. "Then how do you explain the dead bodies" he said and showed me pictures of the people that taeyong shot.

"Somebody killed them but it wasn't me" I said. "Then how do you explain your finger prints on the gun!!" He yelled and I got scared a little. "I DON'T KNOW BUT IT WASN'T ME!!!!!!" I yelled and slammed my fist on the table. I started to pull my hair out from frustration.

"Okay that will be all" kang daniel said and gathered his files walking out. The police man grabbed me and took me back to the cell. I'm locked up for the first time I thought to myself.

The next day was my trial and I wasn't prepared. "How do the defendant plead?" The judges asked. "Not guilty" my attorney said. The trial began and the kept asking me questions and I got anger throughout the whole trial I couldn't understand while I was getting the blame when taeyong shot and killed all those people.

"How do you find the defendant?"the judged asked. "We find the defendant Guilty your honor" the jury said. My breath was knocked out of me. This can't be happening, I was fazed at what just happened. "Jeon Y/n You are not going to prison, your going to a special place where all psychopaths go. "I'm not crazy you honor!!"I yelled across the court room. "Get her out of her now" the judge says. I tried to fight back but it was useless.

They put me in a back of a truck and drove to the Busan Mental Asylum. They pulled me out, "Welcome to your new home" they said and laughed in my face. I started to panic until they brought me into a room. "This is your room, and you have a roommate" the nurse said. "Hey wake up you have a new roomate" she says and leaves me closing the door and locking it.

I heard a groan and saw him get up with his back side facing me so I couldn't see his face. He turned around and my face was shocked. "Jungkook?" I questioned and he looked surprised. Jungkook pushed me against the wall. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I was kidnapped by Momo and taeyong saved me and killed a lot of people and the cops found me and said I killed them and framed them" I looked into his eyes. Jungkook wasn't fazed by what I just said. "What's about the kids?" He asked. "I called taehyung before they sentenced me can he watch them". As soon as I said taehyung name jungkook punched the  wall beside me. I squealed as it scared me.

I opened my eyes to see jungkook staring at me. I slowly brought my hand to his face and caressed it. "Jungkook what happened to you?" I asked and he grabbed my hand from his face and brought it down. "You happened to me" he said and tears filled my eyes. They slowly poured out of me and jungkook wiped them with his thumb.

"Don't cry babygirl" he said and pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. Jungkook started caressing my hair. "Jungkook I miss them" I said and he replied "I know you Do and so do I". "What are we going to do?" I asked and looked up at him. "I don't know but I will figure it out" he said. I nodded my head and he lifted my head with my chin to look at him.

"Baby girl I promise that we will leave here as soon as possible" jungkook said and put his lips on mine's softly.

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