Chapter 19~ Labor

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I was in the kitchen getting ready to cook breakfast for jungkook and me. I felt something wet between my legs. Then I suddenly felt pain in my stomach. "Jungkook...." I groaned out in pain. My grip hardened on the counter. Jungkook came rushing to me. "Y/n, honey what's wrong"?

"My water broke" I said shocked and his face was too. "Okay, um we need to go the the hospital" jungkook said. Jungkook gently showed me the way out carefully to the door. "Jungkook....I...Need... My.....Bag......" I slowly said. "I know the bag is at the house, I will tell the guys to come and bring it, now take deep breaths" he said. I nodded and did what he said and made my out the door to the car.

Jungkook opened the door for me and quickly put me In. He got in and we started to drive to the hospital. I groaned and wiggled in my seat, "jungkook it hurts" I said gripping on the seats. "I know, I know it does were almost there" he said. "HOW WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT THE PAIN!!!!" I yelled at him. Once again my hormones and emotions. Jungkook widen his eyes at my sudden raise in my voice. "I'm sorry kookie, it just hurts" I said sweet again.

We finally arrived at the hospital and jungkook quickly got out and went inside to get nurses and doctors. I saw them come out bringing a wheel chair. Jungkook opened the door and help me sit in the wheel chair. The nurses carefully pushed me to the back to deliver the baby. Jungkook couldn't come with me because he had to change in an outfit before.

The nurse set everything and help me on the bed giving me a shot to prevent some of the pain. The doctor came in with jungkook behind. I smiled as he quickly came over to my side grabbing a hold of my hand. Sweat beads started to form on my forehead. "Alright Mrs. Jeon I want you to push on the count of 3". "1,2,3" he said and I began to push the best I can. I stopped to take a couple of breaths before I began pushing again.

I felt jungkook giving me kisses as I pushed. "Come on baby" he said. My grip on his hand strengthened more. "Just a couple of more pushes" the doctor said. "I can't do it anymore" I breath out. "Yes you can baby girl, I love you" jungkook said. I took one more breath before I pushed my last breath out.

I hear baby cries in the room and the doctor saying"it's a healthy baby girl" I smiled trying to catch my breath. The doctor took the baby and clean her off a bit. "I want to hold her" I say still out of breath. The nurse brought her over to me. She was placed carefully in my arms. I smiled at her face and hold her little hand with my finger.

"Jungkook she looks just like you, she's got your nose and eyes" I say smiling looking up at him. "Yes but she has all your beautiful features" he says kissing my head. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked. Jungkook nodded his head. I lifted her up and placed her in his arms. Jungkook began bouncing and rocking the baby.

I smiled this is the most beautiful moment to see right now. "What's her name?" The nurse asked. "Jeon Jihyun" jungkook repied. Jungkook was holding Jihyun, my eyes started to close slowly until I fell asleep.

Jungkook POV

I put Jihyun down in the little bed and looked at Y/n who has fallen asleep. I laughed a little, she must have been very tired from all that pushing. I heard the door open to see my hyungs coming in. I put my finger to my lips signaling to be quiet.

Taehyung came to me and hugged me "Congrats" he said. We pulled apart and looked at Y/n. "How long has she been asleep?" He asked. "She just fell asleep"I replied. I reached down and took a rag to wipe down the sweat off her body. "Dang jungkook you really hit it hard" taehyung said with a smirk. I glared at him, but Jin hit him in the head.

"Oww!!!" Taehyung yelled and I looked at Y/n who opened her eyes at the sound. "Oh, I didn't know you guys were here" she said sounding tired. "Yeah we just got here" said namjoon walking over to see her. "She's beautiful" jimin says. "I'm going to be an uncle to another one" Yoongi says.

Later after the guys left, Y/n tried her best to not fall asleep. "Baby?" I asked and "hmmm" she replied trying to stay awake. "No it's okay, I'm not tired" she says trying to be convincing. I looked at her in disbelief and scooted her over. She shooked at first but then did.

She turned to her side to face me, I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. I caressed her face and she did the same to me. I pushed her hair out her face. Y/n pressed her lips on mine's softly. I kissed her back then pulled away after 10 seconds.

"I love you jeon jungkook" she says and stuffed her face into my chest. "I love you to jeon Y/n" I said resting head on her head. We slowly fell asleep on that calm and happy night.


I woke to see jungkook still asleep, I decided to hold Jihyun. I went to get her, but I didn't see her. I was scared a little and then thought that the nurse took her to run some test. A few minutes later the nurse came in without Jihyun. "Where's Jihyun?" I asked the nurse.

The nurse looked confused "I don't know I came here to get her so we can run some test" she says. I started to cry, I looked to see jungkook asleep. I started shaking him. Jungkook sat up with a worried expression because of the tears.

"J-jungkook.....S-Someone......T-Took...O-Our......Baby" I stated as tears flew out.

Pain But Love Jeon Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now