Back home

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You just stare at the front door and then walk up to it. You ring the doorbell and Carlos opens it...
He stared at you like he had just saw a ghost. He looked you up and down and just didn't say anything.
He just stood there and a tear rolled down his cheek... there was complete silence for about 45 seconds but Carlos finally said something...
Carlos- Where the hell did you go?
He said that in such a soft, depressing, upset voice.
Carlos- I got so fucking worried you were gonna do something... I-I- *sobs*
He falls into your arms and you hug him tightly. You feel so bad because you never wanted to make him upset let alone make him worry so much.
Y/n- Carlos it's not your fault I'm so sorry... I never wanted to worry you I just needed a break from everyone and everything it was just to much.
Carlos pulled out of the hug and just looked into your eyes.
Carlos- I missed you... I actually missed you...
Y/n- Aren't you mad at me... fo- for what I did?
At this point tears were rolling down both of your cheeks and a lot of them too.

Carlos- I am still very upset at what you did but I love you and if I get so mad at you to the point where we split.... I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
Your thoughts 💭
If Carlos loves me enough to not be mad at me for cheating no one can care about me or want me more. Even though I feel like a complete bitch I want and love Carlos and i need to seriously fix everything as soon as i can. I love Carlos. I have made many mistakes but I will try to fix the biggest one of my life so far...
End of your thoughts 💭
You look Carlos deep in the eyes and realize they are more bloodshot than you noticed before.
Y/n- I'm gonna fix this all I promise but you just need to trust me ok...
Carlos- Hmm... ok I'll trust you but promise me that what ever you are doing to fix this will end well no matter what
Y/n- I promise... even if something goes wrong I will make sure that it all goes perfectly alright because I'm not losing you for shit.
You gave him a kiss on the cheek and...
Y/n- I love you Carlos Mena... I truly do and I am promising I am going to make this work...
You whispered in his ear.
Carlos- I love you more and I am going to do whatever it takes
Y/n- I know just where to start but it's all gonna be a bit. The beginning starts tomorrow but a very good place to START START is by unpacking my bag and settling back home

You guys both let out a chuckle.
You grab your bags and Carlos shirts the door behind you guys.
Carlos- Everyone is gonna be glad you're back
He gave you a soft smile.
Y/n- Me too
You gave him a smile back. You guys went upstairs and you unpacked all your stuff and then you just saw Carlos sitting on the bed starring at you and so you walked over to him and sat next to him, you leaned your head on his shoulder and put both your arms around him and he did the same, he kissed your forehead and you guys headed downstairs.

Carlos- I'm gonna go wake all their lazy asses up and get them to see you it's like 11 A.M already.
He knocked on everyone's door and yelled...
Everyone- What??
Carlos- I have a surprise for all of you guys downstairs.
Ona- I don't want no fucking surprise I love you but I just don't want shit. I only want my bestfriend back but who knows when she's coming back :(
Carlos- Just all of you get your asses downstairs right now please.
They all followed behind Carlos and then they all saw you on the couch and Ona literally screamed, then knocked over a plant, and when she ran to hug you she accidentally punched Brandon in the stomach😂.
Ona- OMGGGG!!!!!! YOURE BACK!!! OMG OMG!! HOW?!! WHEN?!?!?
You just chuckled. She finally got off of you and then next was Alex.
Alex- Aww I'm so glad you're back princess. We all missed you.
He gave you a long hug.
Everyone eventually said welcome back and stuff.
Y/n- I want gone for that long guys😂
Jack- Well then this just proves that none of us can live without you. Now can we
You walk back over to Carlos and just hug him and don't let go. You felt safe... you haven't had that feeling in a while.

Well I'm back and feeling a bit better... I'm not 100% yet but hey I'm getting there I just wanna say Thankyou for all the support and stuff as we'll. But anyways Thankyou guys so much for every thing. I'm gonna start posting as much as I can now btw. But anyways have a nice day loves❤️❤️

Loved by Carlos menaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant