Why did we do that?!!

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You wake up the next morning and change into sweats and Carlos's merch...

You wake up the next morning and change into sweats and Carlos's merch

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You went to go get your phone

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You went to go get your phone. You got it and took your phone case off and put one of Alex...

 You got it and took your phone case off and put one of Alex

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(Pretend it's an iPhone X case.)
You went downstairs and saw Ona, Alex and Jack.
Y/n- Hey guys.
All- Hey
You put your phone down on the table. Then Alex looked at you and smiled.
Ona- What are you smiling at?
Alex- Something amazing and great to look at.
You guys all hang out and then Carlos and Brandon come down later. Alex went upstairs.
Carlos- Hey guys I'm going to Jack in the box who's coming?
Everyone except you- I will
Carlos- Babe
Y/n- Naw I'll stay
Carlos- Ok we will be back
They all left. You went up to your room and lied on your bed you closed your eyes. Then you felt something on top of you. You opened your eyes.
Y/n- Alex What the hell are you doing?
Alex- Oh shit sorry I got scared I thought yo-
Y/n- Don't finish that sentence and I'm fine.
Alex- Ok good
You looked into his eyes and he kissed you and you kissed back. He moved his hand down to your thigh and you flinched...
Y/n- Owww
You said between the kiss.
Alex- What's wrong?
Y/n- Nothing
Alex put his hand back on your thigh and felt the cuts.
Alex- What the fuck?!
Y/n- I'm sorry there is a lot of shit going on right now and I don't think I wanna do this with you Right now I just cheated on Carlos and if I don't tell him I'm going to live with guilt and pain.
Alex- You're right we cant do this I'm sorry we chill.
Y/n- Yeah I just hope nothing comes up with you and Carlos.
Alex- Me too
You ran to your room and grabbed a blade and put it in your pocket. You ran out of the house crying and bumped into Carlos.
Carlos- Woah woah woah what's up? What's wrong?
Y/n- Nothing I just need to be alone.
Carlos- No I can't help you when you're alone and I know what you do
Y/n- Carlos I'm fine
Carlos- I'm not letting you just go and hurt yourself.
Y/n- Well that's  What I do so
Carlos- No it's not ok
Y/n- You're right it's perfectly fine
You shoved past him and ran to the haunted suicide bridge. It wasn't that far from the house. You sat in the bridge and began to cut.
1 for Carlos
2 for Ona
3 for Alex
4 for Giovanny
5 for Jack
6 for Christopher
And so on
Carlos's POV
I ran after y/n but she went really fast so what ever was wrong she really was upset about it. I knew exactly where she was going to be. I followed her all the way to the bridge and she must've taken a different way because I couldn't find her. 10 minutes later I found her sitting in the dark on the bridge cutting.
End of POV
Carlos- Y/N STOP!!!
Carlos ran on the bridge and almost fell. He grabbed the blade out of your hand and picked you up and took you off the bridge. 
Carlos- What the fuck?
Y/n- I'm sorry I have to tell you something important though that's why I'm cutting I'm scared I will lose you and you might cut and you might kill Alex.
Carlos- What's going on baby you can tell me anything?
Y/n- Alex kissed me and I kissed back and I cut a lot recently because I was scared of everything that would happen andcuhfhfhfjfjfjf
You said crying Carlos grabbed you and pulled you into a hug.
Carlos- Baby I'm not mad. I understand he was hurting and I know how you feel remember when I- you know but that was the biggest regret of my life so far and I love you.
Y/n- Really you're not mad?!!
Carlos- No I'm not mad mamas
He said wiping your tears
Carlos- But it's already 11 pm we have to go home.
Y/n- I love you Carlos
Carlos- I love you too

You guys walked home and went straight into the bathroom when you got home because Carlos was going to clean your cuts and he did. After he cleaned your cuts he went into Alex's room.
Carlos- Alex you're fucking dead yo I kissed y/n
Alex- I'm sorry bro I swear
Carlos ran up to Alex and Carlos chuckled.
Carlos- Fuck I can't do this.
Alex- What do you mean?
Carlos- I not really mad. I talked to y/n and I understand.
Alex got up and hugged Carlos
Alex- Fuck I was so scared.
Carlos- Bro you already know CARLE-
Carlos- That's my brotha.
The hugged again and then Carlos came back into the room. You waited for Carlos to fall asleep and then went to Giovanny's room. You softly knocked.
Y/n- Giovanny can you please open the door?
Giovanny opened the door.
Y/n- Omg!!
You gasped.

Well what do you think is going to happen next? Anyways that's the end of this chapter and I hope you enjoyed.

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