Im screwed

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He looked over at you and smiled. It was something about his smile that you couldn't put your finger on but it made you feel something... something different.
Fernando- Hey are you good?
Y/n- Huh...oh what... oh yeah I'm fine I just got a little distracted.
Fernando- By me?
He asked a little confused but happy.
Y/n- Maybe
He walked up to you and brought his body close to yours and it sent shivers then he whispered in your ear...
Fernando- How About now?
His whisper sent shivers ALL OVER your body this time.
Y/n- Definitely yes
Fernando- Woooww you must really like me don't you?
He whispered yet again.
Y/n- What about you...Fed
(Fed is his nickname)
Fernando- Maybe
You put your arms around his neck and whispered in his ear...
Y/n- Hm
You moved your body closer to his and looked into his eyes...
Y/n- How about now?
You whispered into his ear.
Fernando- Definitely yes
You guys stared into each others eyes forever at least that's what it seemed like. It was sorta like you guys were gazing at the stars and then got lost and caught up in them. Fed leaned in and you knew and felt that it seemed a little wrong but you kissed him back anyways. The kiss lasted about 14 seconds. Then you both pulled back and then awkwardly looked at eachother.
Fernando- Oh shit
Y/n- Ummm what now?
Fernando- We should do that more often
Y/n- What do you mean?
Fernando- You Tell me
He said while licking his lips.
Y/n- Do you mean like kissing or fuck buddies?
Fernando- Not exactly
Y/n- Then What do you mean?
Fernando- We will just have to wait and see because we never know what the future can hold between us.
Y/n- I'm terrified this will end TERRIBLY.
Fernando- Maybe it won't...for me at least I have the most gorgeous girl and I have the opportunity to do stuff or even be with her.
When you heard those words you felt a knot form in your stomach.
Y/n- Thanks I think your hot too but like I have to figure things out with Carlos
Fernando- Agreed. You should just take all the time in the world that you need and I will wait for you
Y/n- Awwww fed you're so sweet how can I do this I don't wanna cheat but I also still wanna take a break with him I just... I don't know first of all I got back with him the night Joey kissed me then you came and I thought you were hot as fuc- I mean cute
He chuckled then looked down and licked and bit his lip.
Y/n- So now I'm sorta fucked
Fernando- Just relax you'll figure something out trust me
Y/n- Fine. Do you wanna go get Starbucks?
Fernando- Yeah What do you want to get?
Y/n- The Java chip it is my favorite drink there.
Fernando- Really that's my favorite drink there too
Y/n- Wow really.
Fernando- Yup
You guys went to the Starbucks in Target and then he ordered your drinks. They gave them to you guys and then you went to the extra topping thingy station and for some reason so did Fernando you guys both took the lids off your drink and then you both reached for the cinnamon.
Y/n and Fernando- Heeeeyyyy
You guys laughed.
Y/n- So we like the same drinks and both put cinnamon in them
Fernando- I guess so
You guys both chuckled and then looked down and then back up and locked eyes. You looked away and put the lid back on your drink then put the straw in and took a sip.
Y/n- Ahhh just how I like it it's perfect
Fernando- So What do you wanna do now it's still pretty early in the morning it is...
He looked at his phone
Fernando- 5:58 A.M so we got time to spare.
Y/n- Well there aren't many stores open maybe we can walk around the outlets since we are already here and find somewhere to eat some breakfast?
Fernando- Good idea I'm pretty hungry
Y/n- Ok
You guys walk out of the store and started walking it was pretty cold outside so you started to shiver Fernando saw you shivering so then he put his arms around you and held you close to him. You instantly felt warmer. You felt that one most weird feeling again...

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