Carlos finds out

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Carlos- Come on Baby you can tell me. Whats going on? I'll give you a minute to calm down
You calmed down.
Carlos- Alright are you calm?
Y/n- *takes deep breath* yes
Carlos- Alright now can you tell me what you did
Y/n- I hooked up with Fernando
You blurted the words out all so fast and you saw Carlos's haw clench.
Carlos- I don't know if I'm hearing you right. Please repeat that.
Y/n- I hooked up with Fernando *cries*
Carlos clenched his jaw even more and then balled his fists up.
Carlos's thoughts
I love y/n so fucking much and hearing her say that I hooked up with Fernando breaks my heart and i don't know what I'm going to do now because I don't wanna leave or lose her. Fuck feelings bro.
End of Carlos's thoughts
Carlos stands up and walks to the door and you quickly get off the bed and try to pull Carlos's arm back.
Carlos- Y/n this is not a good time to be messing with me
You let go because you've never seen him like before. He walked downstairs and you followed after him.
Alex- Hey bro u good you look pissed as fuck
Carlos didn't say anything.
Y/n- Fernando you should really get out of here like right now.
Fernando- Why?
You silently pointed at Carlos and you could tell that Fernando had an idea of why you were telling him to leave.
Fernando got off the couch and was heading for the door then Carlos loved in front of him.
Carlos- Hey Hey Hey. Where you going? And you're in a big rush.
Fernando- You know if y/n tells me that I should leave then I shou-
Carlos- Well speaking of y/n you hooked up with her and she's MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!
Alex- Woah woah woah he did what
Christopher- Wtf
Carlos grabbed Fernando by the shirt and threw a punch and hit Fernando and then he was on the ground. Carlos got on top of him and was about to punch him again but Fernando fought back. They were fighting and you were yelling.
Alex and Christopher tried to pull them away from eachother. Alex finally got Carlos off of Fernando and then Christopher and Alex held them back while you stood in the middle and tried to keep them back if they got out of Alex's or Chris's grip.
Y/n- OK YOU GUYS BEED TO CHILL! BABY IM SORRY AND I DONT FUCKING DESERVE YOU. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me and then I went and fucked that up.
Carlos- Baby I'm not mad at you I bet you have a good explanation but you cheated and idk what to do. Give me
You were crying more than you have before. Giovanny came running downstairs.
Gio- Omg What happened? GUYS!!!
Gio yelled upstairs for everyone else. Everyone that was upstairs came down.
Ona- Omg What happened Carlos you have a cut on your face and Fernando has a black eye.
*COMPLETE SILENCE* It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Carlos- Let me go
Carlos said in a very quiet voice.
Alex- Promise you wont charge at Fernando like a fucking bull
Carlos- Promise
Alex Let Carlos go and he ran to you and hugged you so fucking tightly. You were crying and you made him let go of you.
Y/n- Why are you hugging me?!
Carlos- Because
Y/n- Aren't you pissed at me
Carlos- Maybe I am... Maybe I'm not
You looked him in the eyes.
Y/n- I have a lot of explaining to do... to all of you...even you Fernando I might have lied to all of you.
Everyone sat down somewhere and Carlos and Fernando has to be across the room from eachother.
Y/n- Ok so...

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