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Everyone was already ready so you guys go to the party. You guys finally get there.
You go up and knock on the door. Someone opens it and it was...
Logan- Hey princess what are you doing here Do you still hate me don't hate me I like you do you still hate me don't hate me I like you
Y/n- Fuck off and btw Logan this is my boyfriend
He wrapped his arms around your waist.
Carlos- do we have a problem here?
Logan- no we chillin
Fernando- Aye you still my bro but if you touch her I swear to God
Carlos- You're dead got it baby If you do is put a hand on you tell me if he dares put a hand on you tell me
Y/n- Ok
You guys go inside and you see a bunch of alcohol and there was music playing, people were dancing around and jumping up and down and yelling. Most people were drunk.
Y/n- Where is my girl at I am only going to take my first shot with my girl
Ona- i'm right here
Y/n- Alright come on
Ona- Ok
Carlos- you can't be trusted in this kind of place is it good if I stay with you I don't want you to get hurt
Y/n- yeah that's fine you wanna take a shot
Carlos- I would but I know that your gonna get shit faces and I don't want to drive home drunk with a bunch of my best friends in the car.
Y/n- You know you're being very smart
You took like three shots and you were already a little crazy. You and ona ere dancing on each other and Brandon and Carlos were practically drooling.
Carlos- Ok baby come here
Y/n- why I am having fun with my girl
Ona- yeah I don't take her away from me
You guys were talking like babies.
Carlos- Come on please baby
Y/n- I gotta use the bathroom
Carlos- Oh shit this is where and thing tend to happen
He mumbled to himself.
Carlos- I'm coming with you
Y/n- Nooo
Carlos- Yes
Alex- Aye whats going on is she ok she seems off
Carlos- She's drunk
He said kinda annoyed and put his hand on his head.
Alex- You need help
Carlos- I will take all the help I can get right now
Y/n- Carlos is my daddy, Alex is my Bestie and he likes me, Fernando is A great person, Brandon is my Besties daddy, Giovanny is my childhood crush and my childhood best friend we did drugs together, Ona is my girl for life, Christopher  is the person I can talk to you whenever I want, and Jacky Jack is my best friend.
You said all that while spinning around like you're crazy and Alex, Carlos, Giovanny, Jack, Logan, Christopher, Brandon, and Fernando were looking at you like you're crazy and Ona was spinning with you.
Carlos came up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist Alex, Logan, Fernando, and this other dude we're looking at you guys jealously.
Carlos- Baby please just listen to me and go to the bathroom and we can go get dinner whatever you want and we will have a great night ok baby.
Y/n- Ok
He held you and helped you to the bathroom and waited outside the door then when you were done he picked you up with your legs around his torso. Fernando was jealous as fuck.
He carried you to the car and every one else came along.
Carlos- Aye Alex I promised I'd get her ice cream so can you go to McDonald's or sum.
Alex- I gotchu bro
Ona- I wan an ice creeeem
She was talking like a baby. Alex looked back at her and she started laughing like fucking crazy and pointing at him.
Ona- Look at his face * laughs historically*
Alex- Y'all need to fucking chill god damn now we know to never let them drink that much at a party again
Ona was still laughing. You guys got your ice cream and everyone decided to get food at Panda Express Carlos got food for you too.

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