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You take a closer look and see Jesse Underhill...

Y/n- What the fuck Jesse I don't like you anymore.

Jesse- Yes you do

Y/n- The fuck I don't

Jesse- Shut up cuz you still looking fine

He started taking off your clothes you tried to get out his grip but you couldn't you try screaming but no one came...

Jesse- Shut the fuck up

He slid inside of you and you were crying he went faster and in and out you were moaning in pain...

Carlos POV
I start driving with Ona to the hotel and go to the room she said she was in. We get there and I hear moaning, groaning, yelling, and screaming and I start crying and sobbing.
End of POV
Ona starts crying so loud too.

Carlos looking around if there was anything he could use to open the door he looked down and saw the room key. Ona slammed herself angaist the wall saying why noo why not my best friend. Carlos unlocks the door successfully and you scream so fucking loud "HELP MEEE" but you didn't know Carlos was there.
Carlos runs towards Jesse and tackles him off you and starts punching the shit outta him and Jesse was out. He ran to you and helped you get your underwear and shorts you quickly put them on grab your backpack and phone and help Ona off the floor and you all ran out crying.

You guys get outside Carlos hugs you sooo tight then Ona you and Carlos have a group hug.

Carlos started balling his eyes out.

He said sobbing while you had your face burried in his chest Ona had her arms around both of you and was sobbing.


Ona- I'm so sorry but did he use protection.

Y/n- Nooo I'm scared and I'm sorry you have to hear this Ona but the only person I wanna fuck is Carlos

You guys stop crying and hug for a little longer. Carlos drives you guys to the nearesr CVS to get pills and shit for you then you arrive. You and Ona go separate ways from Carlos cuz he said he wanted to get a few things himself. So you and Ona went to go get pregnancy pills and shit and Carlos went to go get whatever he was getting.
You and Ona go to the checkout and you get a text from Carlos

Hey you guys just meet me in the car k I'm having a hard time finding what I need :Carlos
Ok see you at the car:Y/n

You guys wait in the car then finally Carlos comes back.
Y/n- Damn what took you so long
Carlos- Nothing

You guys drive back to the hotel you are staying at.

Alex- Where the fuck did you guys go and why do you all look like you've been crying
You quickly whipped out your phone and texted Ona and Carlos not to say anything.
They gave you a little ok nodd.

Ona- Oh um my cousin that lives in Texas died so we were all emotional and started to cry.

Carlos- Ya it was tragic
Y/n- Very and I'm so sorry for your loss
You think about what just happened to you and a tear rolls down your cheek.
Carlos- Don't start crying mamas its ok you'll be fine

He wiped your tears and kissed your forehead.


Y/n- Fine we will play a game only because I said that we have to play it everynight
Then you blurted out...
Y/n- Shit I have to take two pills

Carlos looked at you like you were crazy.

Jack- What The fuck for.

Christopher- Ya

Y/n- Um I need to take a pain pill

You take the pills and now you won't get pregnant.

You guys played your daily game and fell asleep shortly after.

Wooowww a lot happened in this chapter I hope your enjoying the story so far.

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