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{Kendra's POV}

I have to tell him.
He definitely has a right to know.

"What if he doesn't want anything to do with the child...?" I curiously asked Aiyana.

"Well then it's his loss..." she said.

"...I can always give it up for adoption." I say.

"You could..." she agreed.

"So, Thas the plan? I'm gonna give the child up for adoption unless someone or something changes my mind" I breathe out tryna let it sink in.

"Sounds just right" my best friend nodded as we walked over to where the boys were sitting in the cafeteria.

Since my mom kicked me out, I've been living with Aiyana for the past couple days and it's been ok for me.

"Can we talk?" I asked Jaylen as soon as I made eye contact with him.

"Aight..." he answered.


"Let's go then" he got up and we headed to an empty table and sat down.

"You good?" He asked me with a concerned face.

"Yeah," I gulped. "But I have some news."

"Is it bad?"


"Ok...what is it?"

"I-I'm Pregnant" I said.

"Whatchu mean, 'you pregnant'?" He asked me with a scrunched up face.

"What you think it means, nigga?"

"...So...You sayin that it's mine?"


"Are you Positive?"

"Yes" I nodded.

"When you found out?"

"Aboutta week ago" I answered.

"Aboutta week ago, (week ago), fuck wit us and then we tweakin, hoe" He grooved as he sang, tryna be funny.

I gave him a blank look. "Really nigga?"

"You bein dead serious?"


"Aight Bet...I'll come over later so—" I cut him off.

"My mom kicked me out" I simply said.


"Why?" He asked looking clueless.

"Why do you think?"

"Ohhh, you already told her?"

"Yup," I said, "But my question is, why you ain't thinkin more about the news?"

He shrugs. "Guess I just seen this comin since I was like 14..."



"...I want to give it up for adoption" I let out.

He gives me a stare. "And why is that?"

"Because I'm not in a place to take care of a child right now" I simply said.

"What about me? You ever thought about how I'm feelin bout this?"

"I just assumed that you felt the same."

"Well, I don't."

"Ok, what do you suggest we do?"

"Uhhh, how about not giving my seed up for no typa adoption."

I sighed. "How we finna—" he cut me off.

"How about we continue this later..."

"Sure..." i agreed and then he got up from the table and made his way back to the group table.

He don't seem to be showin no type of emotion towards this.
He tryna act nonchalant. I can see that he not tryna be a deadbeat daddy.


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