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{Aiyana's POV}

"Yo ass better stay the fuck away from Lance before I actually have to drag yo ass you hoe" some random girl walked up to me and said.

I just looked at her and walked away.

I was stopped in my tracks when she said. "Keep playin with me lil girl and you'll get what's coming to you."

I just smiled to myself and kept walking. At this point she was just causing an unnecessary scene that I was not tryna play part in.

I walked all the way downstairs to the library since it was my free period. Once I got there, I found a seat by myself and put my black pair of Soulja Pods in and did a lil bit of studying.

A while later I got a text message from no other than Kendra.

Kendra Bae♥️: What hoe you finna fight??!

Me: What are you talking about?

Kendra Bae♥️: Word around school is that you and some girl was arguin and now y'all gonna be fighting

Me: LOL Thas funny💀

Kendra Bae♥️: Wym Thas funny?

Kendra Bae♥️: You know wat? Wya?

Me: I'm in the Library

Kendra Bae♥️: Ight I'm aboutta pull up.

Me: Take ya time.

I found it cool how fast stuff goes around school. I'm not only talkin about rumors, I'm talkin about diseases, sicknesses, cooties.

Well this is the first rumor, I heard my name in. And the information false so I'm not about let it get to me.

They said that WE was arguing. I chuckled to myself. SHE was arguing...not me. TUH.

Anyways, I got back to what I was doing until Kendra tapped on my shoulder. I took my AirPods out and payed attention to her.

"What?" I asked her as she sat across from me.

"Bïtch spill the damn tea," she said to me, "over here talkin bout some, 'what?'"

"What tea?" I shrugged in confusion.

"Whose ass we finna beat?" She asked me.

"Nobody's" I simply said.

"Girl, so you wasn't arguing with nobody earlier?"


"Then why is there a rumor going around that you aboutta fight her then?"

I just shrugged.

"Wooooowwww, I know there had to be something goin on."

"There was This Girl that was just tellin me that I should stay away from Lance."

"Who was it?"

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