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{Aiyana's POV}
(1 week later)

Kendra finally stop stressin over Alexis but she's been sick. I've tried to be by her side as much as I could but school be gettin in the way.

She hasn't been to school cause of the 'stomach bug' she caught. Jaylen's been naggin me about  her and he hasn't seen her in a grip.

"You goin to see Kendra after school?" Jaylen asked me.

I rolled my eyes as I kept walkin to my class. "Yes."

"Ight, I'm coming."

"You sure she would wanna see u?" I asked him.

"Weather she likes it or not, I'm gonna to see her" he said before taking a left turn.

I sigh. "This is going to be a good change."


"Why'd you let him come?" Kendra asked me.

"I tried to stop him but he completely ignored me."

"Well...ion wanna see him right now" she turned away from me.

"You want me to send him away?"


With that said, I went into the living room where Jaylen was sitting down on the couch.

"She wants you to leave" I told him.

"Thas tuff, try again later my nigga" he stood up.

He walked past me and went to Kendra's room.


I followed behind him trying to turn him the other direction.

"Yo Kendra, you good?" Jaylen asked Kendra.

She turned her head to face him and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Good," he enters her room and sat on the bed, "Why you been ignoring my calls?"

"What calls?" She tried to play dumb.

"Shorty, you know damn well I called you multiple times" he responded.

"I just didn't want to talk to you I guess" she let out while looking him in the eyes.

"Well I was wanted to talk to you" he told her.

"Well, you could've waited" she said.

"Not really" He said.

"I'll just leave you two alone for a bit" I cleared my throat.

"Ight" Jaylen said.

With that said, I walked away and went to sit on the couch in the living room.


I heard faint laughs coming from Kendra's room and I immediately knew that everything was ok.

It's been about 2 hours and it's well.

Kendra's mother was aboutta be home soon so I got up and went to the room to give them a heads up.

"Yo, your mom's supposed to be here soon" I told them.

"Ight, thanks" Kendra smiled at me.

She seemed better than before.

"Well, ima get goin" I said to them.

"Ight...thanks for coming over" she said.

"No problem," I told her, "call me if you need anything else."

"Will do."


"You're Good Bae" Lance said to me.

"How the hell would you know?" I asked him in a raised voice.

"Cause it was barely a hit" he said to me.

"But it hurt" I whined.

"Thas what you get for playin too much" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes and put my attention on my phone.

"I know you ain't mad right now" Lance said to me.

"Never said I was" I said blankly.

"You mad."

"Ok..." I said dryly.

"Don't be like that" he gave me a chaste kiss on my lips.

I pushed him away. "Don't touch me."

"Wooooww," he kissed his teeth, "stop acting new."

"No one's acting new" I said.

"Then kiss me."

"Ion feel like kissin them dry lips at the moment."

He laughs. "Bae, stop playin wit me and kiss me."

I kept my eyes on my phone. "No one's playin."

"Come here" he pulls me by my feet so I was a lil bit closer to him.

"Didn't I tell you to kiss me?"


He pecks my lips making me take my focus off my phone.



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