"If there's any left, that is" He mocked, looking at the half-empty glass in my hand.

"Oh fuck right off a bridge!" I exclaimed. Why the hell did he decide to come to this bar tonight? I have never seen him here before.

"That's not a pleasant way to speak to customers, is it?" He smirked like the jerk that he was

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"That's not a pleasant way to speak to customers, is it?" He smirked like the jerk that he was. I grabbed a clean glass angrily and began preparing his drink. Suddenly, an idea sparked in my mind. "ID please," I asked calmly, extending my hand. 

His eyes grew amused as he handed me his ID. Oh wow, what a bummer. It's fake.

"Not surprised" I flung it back at him and continued making his drink.

"That it's fake?" He asked.

"No, that it's real," I said sarcastically, making a dumb face. "Yeah, that it's fake, dumbass!"

"Well, show me yours" He chuckled, ignoring my aggressive sarcasm. I flashed my very fake ID in front of his face and shoved it back into my pocket. He rolled his eyes, taking his drink and downing it straight away. I watched, not impressed at all.

"So tell me, Mel" He began. I quickly took a sip of my drink, not looking forward to what was coming. "How does it feel, being a rich barbie doll?" He smirked.

I turned around and made my way to the other side of the bar counter. As I served other customers, I just couldn't ignore the asshole's stare. I flashed him my middle finger and continued to do my job. To make the situation better, he started ringing the bell to gain my attention. Angrily, I headed right back over to him.

"What do you want?" I hissed, making sure none of the other customers could hear us.

He took in my attitude, smirking smugly."Oh, sugarplum...I know the truth hurts, but don't let it get to you so much. We all have our issues!" He mocked Alisa's voice. I took a deep breath and made my way to the bottle of whiskey on the shelf. I poured myself a third glass and downed the whole thing immediately. He snickered.

"Don't worry, daddy will get the right color next time!"

I poured another one, ignoring him completely. He watched me, his attitude faltering as I downed another glass.

"Fuck off," I spoke up, shrugging."You don't know me. Hell, yesterday you didn't even know my fucking name! What makes you think you know me?" I lost it.

He stared at me, not even blinking. "Huh?" I pushed, eager to guilt-trip him.

He continued to stare, completely emotionless. I chuckled cynically, turning around to pour another drink. People only know how to make assumptions about you, not for one second thinking about the reality of things. It's sickening.

Out of nowhere, Ethan leaped over the counter and snatched the whiskey bottle out of my hand. I stared blankly at him, at a loss for words.

"Quit the 'damsel in distress' act. It's obvious, who you really are. You're one of those blonde, blue-eyed princesses" He sneered, setting the whiskey bottle back on the shelf where it belonged. "You always get what you want...you think you're always right...everyone loves the shit out of you! You.never.felt.neglect" He spat his hatred at me. His face became a blur, as my eyes filled with tears.

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