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where regressed!josh wants something but caregiver!tyler yelling on the phone and josh gets yelled at.

josh was young. very young. at least mentally. he was fully grown, but he usually regressed into a smaller headspace to help cope with his anxiety. he was nervous when he first told tyler, so nervous that he accidentally regressed while telling him.

luckily, after some research and explanation, tyler was accepting. josh was so happy; he didn't know what he would do if his best friend was against it.

after a while, tyler became
josh's caregiver. josh called him 'dada' or 'bubba' and tyler was happy. tyler never yelled at josh or even really rose his voice because he knew how sensitive he was when he was fully grown, but he would be extra emotional when he's regressed.

so, when josh saw tyler yelling for the
first time while regressed, it scared him a bit. josh knew he was on the phone with someone important but he needed help reach his coloring books.

josh awkwardly waddled up and
pulled at tyler's shirt. tyler looked down and shook his head while pushing josh's hand away. josh whined a bit before pulling again.

« josh, stop, » tyler said sternly.
josh looked up with big eyes and pouted. he hated when tyler ignored him. it
made him feel bad, especially when he was mad.

josh waiting for a minute, which
was really about 10 seconds, before josh pulled at tylers shirt again.

« bubba- »

« joshua! i said to stop! » tyler yelled.
josh jumped. he stared up with big teary eyes. he didn't know why tyler yelled at him, all he could think about was that tyler was mad at him.

« b-bubba.. » josh felt fat tears
streaming down his face. josh quickly tried to wipe them away as he started to cry and sob little sorry's.

tyler realized what he did and quickly hung up the phone. he leaned down, lightly touching josh's shoulder. josh whimpered and looked up at tyler.

« i-i sorry! » josh cried and he
grabbed tyler and cried. tyler hugged him back tightly.

« hey hey, it's okay, im not mad, »
tyler said quickly. he hated himself for yelling at josh in such a vulnerable state of mind. poor josh was crying his little heart out as he held onto tyler.

« n-no mad p'ease? » josh asked softly between his little hiccups.

« i'm not mad, baby. promise, » tyler smiled, hoping the boy would see it and know he was okay. josh pulled away and looked up at tyler with sparkly eyes.

« i sorry, » josh sniffled and tyler wiped josh's cheeks with his thumbs. josh smiled a bit.

« it's okay, prince. dadas sorry too. i shouldn't have yelled at you, » tyler said and josh nodded. he wiped his own eyes and hugged tyler again.
« what did you want, baby. i can help
you now, » tyler mumbled into josh's curly hair.

« wan color, » josh whined. tyler
nodded and helped josh walk up the stairs so he could grab josh's coloring books from the top of the closet.

josh crawled up on the bed as tyler reached up and grabbed the box of josh's stuff for when he regressed. it had pacifiers, coloring books, even some snacks.

josh's face lit up when he saw the
plastic bin covered in stickers of clouds and rainbows. he loved the sight of the little bin.

tyler set it down on the bed
and opened it. josh crawled up next to him and pointed at his paw patrol coloring book. he usually didn't watch paw patrol when he was this young, but he still loved coloring in the different pups in lots of colors.

tyler handed josh the coloring book
and his crayons. josh practically ripped open the box of crayons and started looking through the pages.

he picked rocky and grabbed his grey crayon. he wanted to make his drawing as realistic as possible, which didn't really happen.

josh messily colored in rocky, the
green on his hat and his suit was a bit too bright and the grey was too dark, but tyler still praised him.

« look dada! » josh grinned.
tyler smiled back and picked up the book. tyler reached and ruffled josh's hair.

« it's so good, honey! my little artist, » tyler praised. josh blushed and giggled. he covered his face and curled up.

« dada... » josh whined while
giggling. tyler smiled and put down the coloring book.

« you wanna know what i
can do? » tyler said. josh looked up from between his fingers and let out a little what? tyler leaned close.
« i never told you this, but our fridge is a very popular place to keep art work, » tyler whispered. josh's eyes widened.

« really? »

« yeah, but i never found art good
enough to put up there until you started drawing, » tyler smiled. josh grinned.

« really! » josh squeaked.

« yep, and i think this will go right
next to your drawing of us, » tyler said, gently ripping out the sheet. josh made a drawing of the two a week ago and surprisingly josh didn't immediately ask for him to take it down once he was his age again, which is what he usually did.

« thank you, dada!! » josh hugged
tyler as tight as he could, he completely forgot about tyler yelling at him. he was just so excited for his art to be on
tyler's 'art gallery'.

josh followed behind tyler
like a little shadow and tyler grabbed a magnet to hang up josh's coloring. josh's eyes sparkled as he jumped up and down with the biggest grin.

« look how pretty it looks up
there, » tyler smiled. josh nodded and hugged tyler again.

« thank you bubba! thank you thank you thank you! » josh giggled. tyler chuckled and ruffled josh's hair again.

« it's nothin' baby, » tyler said nonchalantly.
« do you want to go upstairs and cuddle? it's almost time for your nap, » tyler said. josh nodded, only because he loved cuddling.

josh followed tyler up the stairs
and crawled up on the bed. he pulled the blankets over him and smiled. tyler smiled back as he took off his jeans. josh played with his feet under the blankets until tyler crawled into bed next to him.

« come here, » tyler mumbled and josh quickly scurried over. josh laid his head on tyler's chest and hugged him close. josh stared at the wall for a bit.

« where paci? » josh asked softly.
tyler mumbled a little oh yeah and went to grab josh's favorite pacifier from the bin. josh sucked on his fingers while he waited, his eyelids getting heavy.

tyler laid back down and popped the pacifier back into josh's mouth. josh said a little thank you from behind the pacifier and he laid his head back on tylers chest, falling asleep soon after.


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