you can find heaven on earth

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brendon and josh story (i will go back to ty n josh in a little bit) i just thought it would be hella awkward with tyler (idk why but it just seems weird)

also, josh and brendon are single in
this story bc i don't want y'all to think i want brendon and sarah or josh and debby to break up

brendon and josh go to a party and
drink a little too much


josh started to stop caring about
his reputation. the band has been on hiatus for about 7 months now and he started to let go a little bit.

he started to grow out his beard
and hair, did some things that would probably disappoint his parents, and mostly experiment with his identity (his sexuality mostly).

it all started when he kissed a boy.
it was at a party that ashley brought him to and one guy hit on him. josh, being too anxious to say he was straight, was kissed by him and he realized maybe im not really that straight.

so from then on, he started to
experiment with who he was into. he knew he liked girls and guys so far. now, nonbinary people were next.

when he realized he liked nonbinary people too, he looked up what his sexuality could be.


the word stuck in josh's head as he thought about what that meant to him. he didn't know if it was just another sexuality or if it was him.

so, he called brendon.

he went over to his house and sat down. they spent hours talking about what josh identified as and brendon came to the conclusion that it didn't fucking matter.

and josh agreed.

when he went back to ohio to see
his family, he came out as 'i don't really know what i am, all i know is that i'm not that straight anymore'.

luckily, his family accepted him and
told him that it was okay, that they'd love him no matter what. josh was happy that his family was accepting.

he told tyler, jenna, debby and
hayley. all of them accepted him, hayley laughing because she swore that josh talked about liking guys at some point (which he didn't).

now, josh was back in la. brendon
was throwing a huge party and josh decided to go. he didn't really know why, last time he went to a party like this he almost had to get his stomach pumped. but, he still went.

josh grinned at brendon as he
opened the door. brendon ruffled the shorter boys messy curls and walked towards the table with lots of drinks on them. josh followed.

« here, » brendon handed him a drink and smiled. josh shrugged. one drink won't hurt, right?

but one drink after another was consumed and josh was drunk again. brendon was giggling and josh stared at brendon with big eyes.

« your laugh is pretty, » josh said softly. brendon turned quiet and looked at josh. he smiled and looked down.

« thanks, » brendon said.

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