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play stay - post malone

where youtuber!tyler decides to do a cover on his channel with josh

(i think josh's voice would sound amazing if he sang this song im crying just thinking about it lmao)

tyler was busy setting up the lighting while josh sat awkwardly, holding his feet as he watched. tyler, frustrated, just turned them off and switched a couple settings on the camera to make the background look more heavenly (if possible).

tyler had a special room for his youtube videos, which he usually did either covers or commentary about other people. the room was dark with a couple candles around and a single hanging light with a lightbulb that gave off warm light.

he had his little white organizer
against the grey walls. it had a bunch of nicnacs, like a little black cat and a couple books. he had a red neon sign that said 'on air'.

tyler spent so much time with josh
trying to set up the room. he wanted it perfect. he spent so much money on it, not including the mic and desk with all of his software on it for editing and composing.

tyler sat down on the fuzzy white
blanket that josh was already settled down on after pressing record. tyler grabbed his guitar and rolled his shoulders as he quickly made sure it was in perfect tune.

he snapped his fingers three times
and clapped, making tyler and josh giggle. josh looked down with a smile as tyler started singing the first verse.

(play song)

his fingers played the cords perfectly
and his eyelashes fluttered as he shut his eyes. the notes he sang was soft, even though the original vocals were slightly rough.

he would periodically scrunch his
lip up and show his canines and molars. josh watched with the softest eyes. he knew that everyone that watched their videos thought they were dating, but they knew everything they did was platonic (although they were very close).

tyler's eyes opened for a moment
as he glanced at josh. his eyes sparkled from the lights and josh felt a little smile spread across his face. tyler chuckled out the next three notes but, it was okay.

he shut his eyes again and josh
looked down as he swayed along with the beat. he held his own hand for a bit as he waited for his time to harmonize with tyler came.

« tell me that it's all okay, » tyler sang
and josh repeated the same lyrics in the softest tone he could muster. as they went through the chorus, tyler's fingers played the perfect chords and josh started to feel a bit jealous of his friends talent.

« call me in the morning, tell me how last night went. i'm here, but don't count on me to stay, » the two sang and josh went on with second verse on his own. he picked at the ground as he shut his eyes and sang the notes. he had a softer voice than the original, but not as soft as tyler.

his eyes were shut tightly. he could
feel tyler's eyes on him, but he refused to look at him. his voice quivered for a moment. he tried to focus on the lyrics or tyler's harmonies, but his thoughts ran.

« maybe we're used to this. »he didn't know why he agreed to
this. he wasn't a singing youtuber. he did commentary, like tyler, but more regularly. he often did videos about dumb things and sometimes serious things but with a funny spin

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