bandito (1)

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where tyler is let into the banditos and becomes one of them.
josh is dating clancy (no i don't believe that is real, it's just for the story)
and tyler is falling in love with jenna

clancy has the same aesthetic as alex from rex orange county and looks like him (bc we don't have an
actual description of him at the moment)

clancy has the same aesthetic as alex from rex orange county and looks like him (bc we don't have an actual description of him at the moment)

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(im trying to experiment with my style of writing but you might not even notice lmao)

tyler rolled his shoulders as he saw
josh walking in front of him. he saw the torch's flames still flashing at him every once in a while as he followed everyone. he didn't know where he was going, but all he knew was that he was leaving.

it was pretty early in the morning,
about 7 am. this was the time of his trial. he was going to be in court for his failed perimeter escape. the whole night after being caught was filled his anxiety.

he was sobbing most of the night,
hoping someone- anyone would save him. and when he looked out the window with teary eyes, he saw the flames in the distance and smiled.

now, the feeling of grass under his
boots was the best feeling in the world. he was smiling for once. when he looked up and saw josh with a stern face, it made him frown a little.

he remembered josh, before this
whole mess. when they were just kids running around and playing tag, only for the whole world to crumble around them.
but why would anyone help? to everyone, it was just another country turning corrupt. it was normal now.

he felt like shit even when he listened to the sounds of birds chirping instead of crows and vultures croaking and screaming. he remembered these sounds along with clashing pots and pans on saturday mornings. picking up his walkie talkie with josh to say 'come over, we're having pancakes!' and having the other quickly ride over on his old bike.

« hey, » tyler said softly to his old
friend. he didn't even know who this was anymore. the only thing that resembled this josh was when he went through this phase where he wanted to be taken seriously, calling himself joshua and saying he was going to be president at some point.

« hi, » josh said back and looked back to the pipes they escaped from, watching
for anyone. tyler looked down and subconsciously grabbed josh's shirt, something he did in high school so he didn't get lost.

« i missed you, » tyler murmured and walked a little faster, catching up to the elder one. josh sighed and looked at tyler, who was looked at the dry dirt he was about to step on.

« i missed you too, ty. » josh said
softly and wrapped his arm around tyler, making him giggle. josh smiled, after not hearing that sound for what felt like years, it felt like hearing heavens gates open just for him.

fucking concepts .:tysh:.Where stories live. Discover now