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where josh has a stressful day at work and the usual dom turns into a sub

slightly punk!josh

josh has always been a dom. he's never seen himself as anything different. he always takes care of his subs, always tops, always stays in charge.

tyler loved being a sub. he is always submissive to josh. no matter how cruel he seemed, he always redeemed himself right after the scene. the sub loved how caring and nurturing josh is when they were done having sex.

josh runs him a bath, cleans him up, and coddles him until they fall asleep. he was perfect and tyler couldn't have it any other way.

but, one day, josh came home
frustrated out of his mind.

tyler was sitting on the couch, still in is work attire when he heard josh walk into their shared apartment and threw his stuff down. the sub immediately thought this meant rough sex, but nope.

josh stormed upstairs and stayed
there for a while. tyler was about to get up and go talk to him when he heard the door to their room open.

josh walked down the stairs and over to the couch sadly and got on his knees in front of the sub. tyler stared down at josh, confused. josh whined and reached his hand up to tyler's clothed cock. tyler pushed josh's hand away.

he looked down at josh, who was
pouting and whining. he must have changed clothes when he got him because he wasn't wearing his usual nice suit, but instead a nasa sweatshirt that was a couple sizes too big.

« josh? what are you doing? » tyler
asked, hoping it was a joke. josh reached to tyler's dick again, this time tyler let him. he let out a shaky moan as josh rubbed his hands against tyler's cock, his rings adding more friction.

tyler laced his fingers through josh's
growing hair and pulled. josh whimpered. tyler has never heard josh whimper. josh looks up at him and finally speaks in a shaken, breathy voice.

« c-can i please s-suck you off? » josh asked. josh looked up at tyler with big innocent eyes and tyler nodded. josh's eyes lit up for a moment before he got to work. he unbuttoned tyler's blue suit pants and pulled them down with tyler's help. he looked at tyler's bulge and started grinding against the ground without thinking.

josh looked down and noticed tyler
still had on his dress shoes and he smiled. josh wiggled a bit as he took off his jeans so he was left in only briefs and his sweatshirt. he tapped tyler's leg and moved it so it was in between josh's legs. he started grinding again tyler's shoe and he moaned.

tyler watched josh grind against
his shoe and he threw his head back. josh panted as he reached for tyler's briefs, pulling them down just enough for tylers cock to pop out. josh traced his finger up his base slowly and looked up at tyler as he swirled his finger around the tip of tylers cock.

josh leaned up and licked just
below tyler's tip as he dipped his finger into tylers slit. the younger boy desperately thrusted up.

« god, joshy, hurry up, » tyler whined.
he tensed for a moment when he realized that he accidentally told josh what to do, but was surprised when josh's hips stuttered against his shoe and he whimpered a little sorry.

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