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this is literally just me
on my instagram story (follow me @ethmagethio but don't say ur from wattpad)

where josh gets high and
rants to tyler and brendon about shit.

it was josh's first time getting high
on anything. tyler and brendon were there to make sure he didn't over do himself and kill himself on accident.

josh was in between tyler and
brendon as he took another hit from brendon's blunt.

« you wanna know somethin'? » josh slurred out and leaned against brendon. he looked over and nodded.

« what? » brendon asked and josh
pointed up at him and then pointed at tyler with squinted eyes.

« you really wanna know? » josh said
in an accusing way.

« sure, » tyler said and shrugged,
putting down his phone. josh leaned up and stood up. he stood in front of the tv and looked at them.

« they don't want you to be happy, »
josh said and tyler rose his eyebrow. josh looked and grinned.
« i know it soun's fucked up, bu' it's true! » josh smiled.

« how? » tyler asked, starting to get
tired and grumpy. josh pointed and nodded.

« good question! they don't want you to be happy. they want you to be ashamed
of yourself. they want you to have to.. uhh make excuses for who you are and why you are that way, » josh said.

tyler and brendon nodded. josh
stepped forward with a giant grin and stood up on his tiptoes.

« what you like, what you wear, how
ya feel good, » josh said and flopped down in between the two.
« they want you to defend it. they want you to be defensive all the time, » josh turned and grinned.

« why-«

« you wanna know whyyyyyYY! »
josh said, raising his voice at the end. tyler sighed and nodded.
« cause when your happy, your on the offense, » josh said and wrapped his arm around tyler with a smile.

« god, what am i doing, » tyler said and rubbed his temples. josh giggled and looked over at brendon.

josh leaned up and fell off the
couch, hitting his head on the ottoman. he giggled and looked up at the men.

« when you e-express yourself, unapologetically. no sorries, no 'excuse me's, no excused, » josh started and he leaned up.
« when your just happy, and vibin'..
they hate that shit, man! » josh grinned and brendon nodded.

josh flipped over and stood up again, strangely filled with energy.

« they'll do, whatever they gotta do, » josh flailed his arms before holding up his hand with a smile.
« to bring you down, » josh's hand flew down and he smiled.

« josh, we should go home, » tyler
said and stood up to get his keys from the kitchen.

« i've had anxiety for how many fuckin' years. i've been taking meds for how many fuckin' years 'n' nothin fuckin worked! now ya wanna know how i cured my anxiety by myself? »

« i'll be waiting in the car, text me
when he's done with his rant, » tyler said and closed the front door behind him.

« cause i stopped givin a fuck! » josh grinned and spun around while giggling. josh honestly looked more drunk than high, but brendon was being thoroughly entertained.
« i know that's not how it works 'n shit but i convinced myself that 'that is how it works! » josh yelled.

josh kept ranting before tyler finally
walked inside and dragged josh back to the car, sitting him down.

« i'm never going to let you get high again. i swear, it's even worse than when your drunk, » tyler said and sat down in the drivers seat and started driving home.

god i need to write longer prompts :/


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