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where jock!josh is dared to fuck

feminine names (calling josh a girl)
cross-dressing (?)
multiple orgasms

it was a dare. that's really all it was.
josh could have easily refused to do it, but he's too far up his own ass to say no to a dare, no matter how dumb.

him and the rest of the varsity football team were hanging out the night before a game. they were smoking weed, drinking, and playing truth or dare.

when it came to josh, the atmosphere changed in josh's eyes. he was twirling a juul in his hand idly (even though he doesn't even use it).

« truth or dare! » ethan yelled. josh looked up, kind of shocked that someone called out to him. he thought.

« dare, » josh said and smiled.
he expected a dare that was.. normal? but no. ethan chuckled and took the juul from josh's hand. he brought it to his plump lips with a smirk.

« i dare you.. to sleep with tyler
joseph, » ethan smirked. everyone looked at josh; he was flushed from his face to his chest. he looked down.

« i-i.. » josh thought. everyone expected him to back out. they'd make fun of him and call him a pussy, but they understood. everyone thought he was straight (other than the team, of coarse).

« you don't have to, » ethan said quickly as he exhaled the smoke. he grabbed a water bottle and started chugging; he was trying to cover up the fact that he was about to cough.

« fuck it. »

and that was how this situation started.

honestly, the team forgot about it the
next day. considering they were all shit -faced, it wasn't that shocking. but, josh remembered.

he tried his hardest to cross paths with tyler. luckily, they sat next to each other in french II. josh only took it for the credit but tyler seemed genuinely interested in the language.

as the teacher droned on about the test that was coming up, the perfect opportunity came into view. he turned to tyler, sighing.

« you know this well, right? » josh
asked, an innocent tinge on his voice. tyler nodded and looked back down at his notes, silently noting what he had to memorize and study.
« i was wondering if you could maybe help me with this? i need to pass this test or my mom will kill me, » josh lied. he didn't even live with his mom anymore, so she was the perfect excuse.

« uh.. sure? do you want to meet up at lunch? i saw you at 4th lunch so, we could study there, » tyler said, turning towards josh. the muscular boy sighed.

« i can't, im going to be doing
homework during lunch, » josh lied again. he was probably going to just eat a lot of greasy pizza that he literally had to dry off with a paper towel.

« oh okay, when are you free? » tyler asked, hoping for something on school grounds. josh shrugged.

« i'll be open during x block. you want to study at my house? » josh asked. tyler internally sighed but nodded.

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