« it was an accident »

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when someone started hitting tyler,
josh kills them in a fit of rage

josh was a fairly chill person. tyler was always the one dragging them into trouble at every turn. josh always followed, though. tyler was like josh's older brother and he always did want one.

tyler held josh's hand as the younger dragged him out of the car and into the art store. as they walked past the girl at the register, tyler sprinted to the spray paint. he turned to josh.

« do you have money? » tyler asked. josh's eyebrows knitted together. he shook his head.

« no! you told me i didn't need any, » josh said angrily. tyler nodded and said a soft ah.. as he looked at the different colored spray paint.

« go to the car and pull it up to the front, » tyler said. josh tilted his head in confusion.

« why? » the older asked.

« just go to the car and don't put it in park, just wait with your foot on the brake and get ready to go, » tyler said. josh instinctively nodded. he walked out to his car and started it.

as he pulled up and looked over at the store, tyler was sprinting out the door with bottles of spray paint and bloody knuckles.

tyler jumped in and he pointed forward. josh drove quickly out of the parking lot and went for his house.

« we're going to downtown, » tyler said with a grin. josh turned.

« no! you just stole some fucking spray paint! we need to go home. » josh yelled at tyler. the younger jumped a little at how angry josh was.

« well, i stole it for a reason, » tyler said and smiled. josh sighed and got on the highway towards the city.

it was late. the sun just set and the sky was a deep blue that if you looked quickly it'd seem black. tyler looked down at josh as he climbed up the of a small cliff that went up to a bridge. underneath it, a small path laid. in tyler's eyes, it was a huge canvas.

josh stood at the bottom and chewed
on his lip anxiously. he didn't want to see tyler fall or get hurt. he watched as tyler stood on his tiptoes and opened up the yellow spray paint bottle.

tyler started writing slowly and bit his tongue in concentration. as he chewed, what tyler was writing.

you are mine, i am yours

tyler pulled away and looked up at the slow drying paint and reached in his bag to grab a red bottle.

he shook it and stared at the blank concrete. he started writing again, slowly. josh watched, his eyes wide with awe.

let's not fuck around

josh stared as tyler turned, a grin on
his face. josh smiled back and tyler slowly got down. he jumped off one of the rocks, landing on his toes and rolling forward. he stopped on his back and josh ran up to him, only to see tyler laughing hysterically, covering his face with his forearms and hands.

fucking concepts .:tysh:.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora