young love

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where highschool!tyler and josh are talking and tyler complains about how strict his parents are.

josh and tyler sat in josh's room.
it was pretty basic compared to tyler's room. the only thing that josh had in his room was a desk, drum set and a bed (not including his closet).

tyler leaned against josh and the smaller boy got stiff under tyler's weight. he looked over and saw josh was staring at the wall while blushing.

« you wanna go outside? i
wanna climb on the room, » tyler smiled, knowing josh had a window that went to the roof and that he could easily climb out of if he wanted.

« my parents would get mad.. » josh
said and rubbed his arm. he looked away and crossed his legs.

« come on, they don't have to know, » tyler said and elbowed josh in the arm, making the other say a little 'ow' even though it didn't hurt.

tyler walked over to josh's window
and opened it. the cold september air flowed inside and tyler climbed out. josh followed and they stood on the roof. josh looked down.

« this is probably dangerous, » josh said and leaned down, wiping away some frost so he could sit down. tyler did the same and plopped down next to him.

« it's not that bad, don't worry, »
tyler said and ruffled josh's dark hair. josh smiled and looked down. tyler leaned over to one side and pulled something out his pocket. josh looked at tilted his head.

« what's that? » josh asked innocently. tyler turned and chuckled.

« it's vape, wanna hit? » tyler said
and took a hit himself. josh watched as tyler breathed out smoke and he handed it to josh.

josh breathed it in and coughed,
the burning in his throat got worst as he coughed and sputtered. tyler giggled and took the vape from him.

« don't like nicotine, huh? » tyler
smirked and josh shook his head. he could taste it still when he breathed as tyler took another hit.

« it tastes nasty.. » josh said and stuck
out his tongue. tyler nodded as he puffed out smoke.

« it's an acquired taste, » tyler said
and set it down. josh leaned against tyler as they watched the stars above them. tyler wrapped his arm around josh.

« is it like coffee? i never tried it, » josh said and tyler laughed.

« coffee does have an acquired taste,
but it doesn't taste like this, » tyler said as josh shuffled away, rubbing at his sleeve again.

the air was filled with silence, other
than the rustling of the leaves from a stray cat and the wind. josh looked down and watched at the cat ate the food josh left out for him.

« i don't understand strict parents, »
tyler said and took another hit. josh looked over and nodded.
« like, they act like being strict suddenly makes their kid a good member of society or somethin', » tyler said.

« they just want the best for you, »
josh said with a small smile as the cat walked away with a full belly.

« come on, josh! i thought you'd be on
my side! your parents are strict as fuck! » tyler said, knowing his parents were asleep now since it was late.

« they aren't that strict.. » josh
muttered and picked up a fallen leaf with a little pout.

« dude, they made you sign a contract when you got your drums. a contract. do you know what that is? » tyler said and leaned back. josh crawled over and sat next to him.

« yeah.. but-«

« and when you told them you wanted
to become a musician they yelled at you, » tyler rhymed off.

« well-«

« and they almost beat you when you
said you liked a boy. » tyler finished and josh blushed. he looked away and curled up a little.

« they want me to have a pretty wife, » josh said softly as he laid his head on his knees. tyler leaned up.

« do you want a wife? »

« if it makes my parents happy.. »

« fuck your parents opinions, fuck my opinion, fuck everyone's opinions, » tyler said and grabbed josh's hand.
« only your opinion matters. okay? » tyler asked and josh nodded.

« they get mad at me when i kiss
boys or girls.. » josh said and looked away.

« then i guess they won't like this, » tyler said and grabbed josh's jaw, making him look over at tyler.

tyler leaned in and their lips met.
josh stayed still out of shock, before finally kissing back desperately. tyler smiled and pulled away.

« let's go back inside before we freeze. »

it was the next morning and josh's
eyes fluttered open at see tyler sprawled out on his bed with the blanket only covering his bottom half.

josh looked over and saw their clothes thrown about and he rolled over, hugging onto tyler's side.

« hey josh, breakfast is- WHAT THE FUCK! »

ok i want to say that ty n josh did fuck but y'all didn't hear that from me bc they are technically the age of consent in georgia (where i live) but idk about ohio so imma not say anything


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