Yeager Time # 6

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*in holo camera video

"Hi there everyone, it's Yeager Time. I hadn't recorded for a while because there were many things that happen to me and my team." Yeager was in front of his own starship as Bucket came in the camera.

"First, we were arrested by First Order because Kaz needs the Fireball to his mission with Poe." He showed Fireball ship to camera video screen.

"But we escaped from First Order but Bucket wasn't with us. I thought he died but thanks to chelidaes, Bucket is still safe when we needed hiding place."

Bucket beeped as Yeager chucked as he touched his droid.

"You had me worry, my friend."

Yeager pointed his holo camera video to him "Then Kaz and I dicusses how to contract to Resistance. Kaz had a crazy idea. Wanna know what is it?"

"Sinking the Colussus."

He turned on camera video screen into zoom "Was it crazy, wasn't it? But it worked and we swam to the top of the tower."

"At the top of tower, I let lemyself captured by stormtroopers so Kaz can countinue his mission. But I don't believe that Kaz saved me and Captain Doza, we were in same room."

"That was susprising me. I think he's better Resistance agent than I give him credit. "

Yeager sat on the seat as he looked at camera video screen.

"But something wrong with Kaz, I saw his sad face and I asked what is it. Then he told me that his home planet, Hosnian Prime is gone."

Bucket beeped sad.

"The First Order destroyed Hosnian Prime. That reminds me when Empire made a death star to destroyed any stars."

Yeager took breath and started sad "Then we lost Tam, she maniputed by First Order and now, we won't see her anymore or on same side."

Bucket started acting crazy and he ran around the hangar, he hit Neeku was bringing toolbox.

Yeager back focused to his blog "Now, where was I? Oh yeah, we didn't it to get Tam back and we proctected the station. Like old time, my favorite moment when Kaz saved me from a red tie fighter, that fighter was fast but Kaz did it."

"Man, that kid can fly. Then Kaz said he heard and thanks me. Wow, that kid has something crazy for fun." Yeager smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"Finally we saved the Colussus, I'm proud of Kaz, he prove himself that he could this. But one thing that was making me shock is Neeku didn't put all coordinats and we have no idea where are we going."

Suddenly Neeku waved to holo camera video screen "Hello friend ! I'm so exciting to find out where are we going." Then he left.

Yeager checked his holo camera video screen to make sure it stills good.

"Kaz, stay strong, my friend. I know how hard your life right now. You're not only one who lost everything. You had already did your best for us. I'd fight alongside you anyday."

Yeager waved to holo camera video screen "Yeager out !"

And here the last chapter of this story. I hope you guys like this chapter. See you in the next story. Goodbye everyone 🤗👋🏻


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