(21) #UnderTheMoonlight

Start from the beginning

So I've come to my decision to visit Jin on his room. I was hoping that he was awake now. But when I went to his room, he was still in deep sleep. But it was a quite relief for me that his breathing was in normal state now. I was about to leave his room but ended up instead on his balcony.

There was a small, cold breeze blowing the scent of the thousands flowers in the garden toward my position. The moon was shining so bright, even if it was alone in the dark.

"Maybe I'm you, but you're shining, I'm not" I mumbled to myself as I looked into the moon so adoringly.

"Yes, you are" a voice coming from my back chimed in. Just then, Jin stride slowly to my direction.

"Hey! You're still not okay, you shouldn't be here" I said, commanding him to go back to his room.

But he just ignored me and stood beside me, the colours in his face were back now.

"Let's just go inside, you still need to recover" I was about to walk away but he was too quick to grab my wrist and said,

"Can we just stay here for a while?" his voice was nearly husky. My head snapped back to him and saw the pleasing look he was wearing.

"Fine. Five minutes okay." I went back to my position, beside him, and just stared the view for a while.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked him, breaking the silence in between us.

"Better than yesterday I guess" he answered shortly. I just nodded for I didn't know what will I ask next.

"Have you ever really wanted to ask a question, but you didn't because you knew in your heart that you wouldn't be able to handle the answer?" I blurted out of a sudden. This gave me panic as I realized what I just asked him.

"Oh shoot. Don't mind me. Just never mind that, okay" and by an instant, I tried to save myself from embarrassment.

"Just try it. You will never know unless you ask" he responded as he chuckled a little.

"Oh no thank you. Scratch that. Sometimes my mind is really messing with me so yea" I awkwardly laughed, hoping for this topic to subside.

"Okay. If you can't do it, I will" he replied immediately.

"Wait, what?"

"Tell me Jisoo, what were you thinking when you accepted this arrangement?" with no hesitation, he asked me right away.

I sighed, knowing that I didn't trust myself to become open to him but I guess we needed this in order for us to know what was really our situation.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't know what I was thinking that time. I cried that night that what was I remembered. I really wanted to reject this, but I was fooling myself not to see that this will be my only chance to make my family to live happily again. You know what I'm saying? I just want them to have a normal life, a life that no one will bother them anymore" I didn't want to cry in front of him so I stayed calm.

"Sorry to hear that" he apologized.

"No, I'm sorry too. I ruined your re-"

"Compared to your problems, that wasn't a big deal" he didn't give me a chance to finish my sentence as he cut me off immediately. Maybe, he still didn't want to talk about her. I see.

"Now that you've known the truth, let's just forget it. I hope those men are doing well after putting my family in chaos" I just gave him a genuine smile, assuring him that there was no need to feel sorry for.

"How much darkness must you have gone through to find a smile so bright like that?" Jin asked with a tone of matter of factly.

"You know what Jin, I've personally danced with the fate a few many times to not believe in the magic of this world. That was just one of so many problems we've encountered, but yes, up until now we are surviving, survived I guess?" I was getting unconscious for the way he stared at me.

"Don't you think that's too hard to handle? That's not just right." he finally complained and from his voice I knew he was still not yet fully recovered.

"You learn nothing from life if you think you're right all the time." I gave him an advice that played a major role in my life.

He breathed a heavy sigh and ran his hands through his hair a few times. I didn't expect it, but a warmth filled me for he seemed to be trying to open up his problems with me. And then, he shifted his position as he leaned against the railing, so we were now likely facing each other

"You don't need to think of your problems all the time, Jin" I looked at him for a moment, clearly wondering if he was taking my advices.

"I don't think about you all the time" he said all this with mock smirky face.

"I see, you're fine now" rolling my eyes, I just rode whatever was his trip now.

I shifted back my gaze at the moon. I slowly embraced myself, protecting my skin from the cold breeze that were oozing. Just then, I saw out of the corner of my eye that Jin was looking at me. He was no longer smiling, he was just staring at me very seriously.

"But you know what Jisoo?" he asked, still wearing that intimidating face of his.

"What?" when I turned to ask him just what was his trip now, I was surprised to see that he was close enough to kiss me.

"I am thinking about you right now" and that gave me more surprised when he actually did kiss me right under this beautiful moonlight.

(A/N: I am grateful to the love you've showed me last chapter so yea, another update! I personally got 'kilig' when writing the latter of this chapter (and I don't know why haha), I hope you felt that too

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(A/N: I am grateful to the love you've showed me last chapter so yea, another update! I personally got 'kilig' when writing the latter of this chapter (and I don't know why haha), I hope you felt that too. Xo.)

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