Kyrie Irving

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Happy birthday to my husband 💕⚡️

Today it's your husband Kyrie birthday. You wanted to do something special for him. It's 5:30 pm and he was at practice.

"Hey baby you wanna go to grandma house tonight?" You asked your daughter Elizabeth
"Grandma!!" She yelled and jumps

After taking Elizabeth to your moms you came back home to take a shower and shave whatever you had to shave.
After all that you brush your teeth and did your hair and makeup.
You put on Kyrie favorite drees

After that you went to the kitchen to start making him dinner

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After that you went to the kitchen to start making him dinner. As you was cooking you was listening to music That's was blasting from your speaker so you couldn't hear anything. You had candles on the table with the food on the table. Now you just had to wait for Kyrie to get home.

It's now 10:00 practice ends at 7. You been blowing up his phone but he's not answering it. You put the food up and blow out the candles.
"So much for being nice" you said to yourself as you went up to your room. You change out of your drees and into a oversized t-shirt and wrapped your hair.

It's now 2:30 and you heard Kyrie coming up the stairs.
"Where was you" you asked as he came in the room
"The boys wanted to take me out after practice" he said like it was nothing
"You could of called Kyrie" you said rolling your eyes
"I didn't think you would care" he said going into the bathroom and starting the shower
"What you mean?? I made dinner for you and had other things planned" you said going into the bathroom. He turned and looked at you
"I'm sorry Okay" he says and kiss your four head and went into the shower
"I know he didn't" you said to yourself. You went back into the room and laid down going to sleep not wanting to deal with Kyrie

After about 20 minutes he came into the room and laid down beside you going to sleep. Normally he sleep with an arm around you but he turned the other way.

Next Morning*
You woke up before Kyrie since he didn't have practice today so he was sleeping in. You get out of bed and into the bathroom to brush your teeth. Once your done you go into the closet to find an outfit. As you was doing so you felt arms around your waist.
"Good morning baby" Kyrie said
"Morning" you said taking his arm off you
"What I do" he asked
"Nothing" you said still finding your outfit
"Mmhhh.....What we doing today"
"I don't know about you but I'm going out" I said
"What?? Babe it's my day off tho"
"Why can't you just stay here with me?"
"Because when I was trying to you went out with your friends without even telling me"
"So you mad?"
"I'm not mad. I'm chilling"
"Please stay here" he says kissing your neck
"Uhh  ain't nun of that. You could of got some last night but who fault is that" I said going back into the bathroom doing my hair
"Baby I didn't even know they was taking me out"
"You have a know how long it took me to cook a nice meal for you...I even made a damn cake"
"I'm sorry"
"It's whatever I'm over it" I said putting my shoes on
"No your not...can we just talk about it before you leave..I don't want you to be mad at me all day"
"I'm not mad Kyrie..I'm just fucking annoyed that I didn't get a heads up..but it's whatever I'm over already happen" i said getting his birthday present. I got him a couple of things like a new chain, a bracelet with Elizabeth name on it and new earrings.
"Thank you baby" he says kissing me
" you welcome" I said getting up and going downstairs
"BABY" he yells
"Don't go"
"I'm leaving ky-" you said Turing around to see him
"No stay here with me" he says
"I leaving"
"I said your staying so go upstairs and  take off your shoes" he says

I love it when he talk to me like he my daddy..I mean he is but not right now

"You not my daddy" I said
"Since when cuz I could of sworn that you was calling me daddy 2 nights ago"
"Mmm don't remember but bye" I said walking to the door
I turn around with a smirk on my face
"Im not doing shit I was in the mood yesterday but you made your mind up" I said going out side to test him. Next thing I know I'm being carried upstairs new

He laid me on the bed on my stomach and started to slap my ass repeatedly
"I told your ass that you was staying and now I gotta punish you" he said

"FUCK KY DONT STOP" I said as he was pounding my insides
We been at in for 2 hours almost 3 and this was only the first round.
"Who baby girl"
"What's my name"
"Wrong" he said going faster
"What's my name"
"Kyrie" I said once aging
"Wrong" he says going even faster. I felt my climax coming and I know he felt it
"You not cumins until you say my name. So what's my name" he asked again
"Daddy" I say
"What I can't hear you"
"DADDY" I yelled as I cum
"FUCK" he says. As he cummed inside me
"Mmh fuck" I said as he laid down beside me
"Damn" he says wiping his sweat off
"I'll give you 15 minutes tops before we go in the kitchen" I said putting my rob on
"You thought we was just doing 1 round?? With you leaving soon I'm trying to get all the dick I can" I said
"Ohhh okay bet" he says carrying me downstairs

This probably suck but the one that i was gonna write wasn't gonna be down on time

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