Pj wasington

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You and Pj are dating. Your at his house with him while He is play his game and all you want is his attention. But he won't give in.

"Bae" you said laying in him
"Baby please let me play my game please"
"No you been up here all day"
"Baby I just got up here man chill out"
"Baby" you say laying on him
"Y/N move damn I don't want you up all me all the damn time" he yelled looking at me.
I got up put your shoes on
"I didn't know that wanting your boyfriend attention is being all up on him" you said getting you keys and phone charger
"Baby I just want to play my game" he say
"Play  you game imma leave so I can leave you alone" I said walking downstairs the stairs
"Baby you don't even have to go tho"
"Paul I'm not gonna be somewhere I'm not wanted" and with that I left and went to my friend Sammy house

"So he picked his game over his girlfriend?" Sammy asked
"Yep" I said looking at my phone
"You should get him back"
"How" I said looking away from my phone.
"Because he said that you be all up on him stay away from him and when you do be around he don't be touching him"
"What you mean"
"Like when you at his house sit away from him and when he touch you move his and and don't kiss him...yeah then you really gonna mess him up!" Sammy said
"You know that don't sound bad" I said

The next day~
So right now PJ wants me to go to his house and imma take my time. It took me about 1 and 30 minuets to be done with everything so now I'm headed to his house

At pj house~
"Dang what took you so long"
"Had to get dressed"
"Okay well you wanna watch a move?"
"Sure" you said and went to the kitchen to make popcorn. You remember what Sammy said and when you went back in the room you say on the opposite side of him and by the bottom of the bed.
"Why you down there for? Come back over here"
"Nah I'm good I can see the tv a lot better this way" you said not looking away
As the movie pj kept trying touch me but I moved his hand. When the movies stopped I got up to leave
"Where you going?" PJ asked
"With my friends" I said putting my shoes on
"So you not gonna stay?"
"Nope I spent my time with you like you wanted and now imma go out with my friends" I said standing up only for him to pull me back down.
"Baby I just wanted to play the game"
"Okay and you can do that now I'm botta leave so you can play. You can't say I didn't spend time with you cuz I spent a hour and thirty minutes with you so now you can enjoy your game"
"Baby i don't want to play my game tho I wanna spend time with my girlfriend"
"And you did"
"Bae" he whined
"Stop doing this to me"
"I don't know what you mean pj"
"I mean that you don't call me pj an less you mad at me"
"Nope that's your name"
"No it's not i don't like it"
"Well your named after your dad so take it up with him"
"Oh my gosh woman! You not leaving until you tell me what's up"
"You already know what's up so move" I said stand up for him to pull me closer to him but I moved his hands always from me and sat away from him
"See that's what I'm talking about. Why are you over there?"
"I don't want to be all up on you remember you hate it when I'm on you" I said and got up
He ran over to me and blocked my way.
"Paul Washington Jr if you don't move out of my way i would move you"
"Baby it wasn't even like that Okay I was just irritated okay I can't give my attention to my girlfriend and my game"
"Okay so let me leave and you can only do one"
"Fine imma just let you cool off" he said trying to kiss me but I moved and walked out the door and left.

The next day~
So after all that went down yesterday pj have been texting me non stop about him being sorry and all that so I'm just in my room watching tv.
FaceTime call from baby💍❤️...
I declined his call and continue watching my show.
"Really you gonna do that to my call" I heard pj come from behind me. I looked back and back at the tv not saying anything.
"Baby please talk to me" he said coming into my room turning off my tv. I then got onto my phone until he took that away from me so then I laid down.
"Y/n please okay I'm sorry I will only spend to time with you and when you are around I will not play my game if it means that much to you"
He said and I looked at him and got up and walked to the bathroom.
"Bae" He said and came behind me and hugged me but I moved
"Okay look y/n I tired of being nice but yo ass gonna talk to me"
"And if I don't" I said turning around looking at him
"You already did" he said smirking
"Whatever" I said and started taking my makeup off
"Baby for real talk to me"
"Because I miss you"
"That sound like a You problem"
He then picked me up and was standing in between my legs.
"Put me down"
"No" he said
"Oh my gosh" I said roiling my eyes
"So are you done being petty?"
"Wasn't being petty I was leaving you alone"
"Well don't do that shit cuz you got me over here acting all soft just for you"
I just kissed him a dm he kissed back and he put me down
"I got something for you"he said going into his pocket
"Okay what is it" I said and looked at him to be on one knee
"Bubba" I said looking at him
"Look y/n them last couple of days we been having problems it made me realize that I really don't want any other female to be in your place at all. My momma loves you and my pops talks about me not letting you go all the time. He tells me that I better treat you right and that we need to have kids and be married" he said and I start to tear up
"I hate it when we fight but that just bring us closer together. Y/n I love you with all my heart will you promise that one day you would be my wife and the mother to my kids?" He asked
I nodded my head yes and he slid on the ring and I hugged him tight asf!
"Baby stop crying " he said whipping my tears
"I can't" I said crying harder
"I love you" He said holding onto you
"I love you too" he said holding him tight cuz thats your baby forever.

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