Devin Booker part 2

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3 months later
So every since me and Devin break up things been different. When I left I went to go and stay with my mom for a while until I find an apartment for me and my kids. I didn't tell my mom the reason on to why we broke up I just told her that things wasn't working out.

I still have to see Devin because he is the farther of my kids so when he don't have work he have the kids which means I have to see him to drop them off. He still trying to get us back but until I see improvement I'm not coming back and that's exactly what I told him.

But anyway today I'm going to go see this apartment that I've been looking at. It's a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment just enough for me and the girls.My mom way watching the kids for me while I go and look at the apartment

*time skip*
"Okay that's it would you like this apartment?" The lady asked
"Yes I love it" I says
"Great we can start in your paper work and get your keys" she says

Next day
I had told my mom about me getting the apartment and she is super happy about it. She's going to be watching the girls while I go and set it up for them.

^ Destiny room

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^ Destiny room

^ Destiny room

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^Dani room

^ the girls bathroom

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^ the girls bathroom

^ the girls bathroom

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