Cassius Stanley

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You are with you best friend Arron. Now Arron is a boy and he been your best friend since grade school and my boyfriend really don't like the fact that I hang with him but he gonna have to trust me.

"Your boyfriend gonna get mad that you are with me you better go home" Arron says
"He says he trust me so he need to show me that he trust me"
"I bet you gonna ended up single watch"
"Whatever" I say rolling my eyes

2 hours later~
I had just gotten back home from chilling with Arron
"Where you been" Cass asked
"With Arron" I said plainly taking off my make up
"Because he my friend....why wouldn't I??" I asked turning to him
"Because you know I don't want you to be around him y/n"
"I don't understand why you don't like him and I really don't understand why you think imma just stop being friends with him when he been here my whole life but you need to get it together Cassius"
"Y/N He be all up on you when I did try to give him a chance y/n"
"Cass I'm not gonna stop being friends with him home boy like for real you just gotta get to know him before you start telling me what to do" I said rolling my eyes at him and continue to whip off my make up
"Don't roll your eyes at me y/n"
"Well learn how to trust me and we won't have this problem"
"I do trust you"
"No you don't because if you did then you wouldn't care if I hang out with Arron"
"Babe I don't trust him"
"That's doesn't matter tho Cassius if you loved me and trust me then you wouldn't care if I hung out with you know how many girls be on you??? Even tho I don't like it I still trust you so why don't you trust me?"
"I just told you that I do trust you"
"I don't think you get this Cassius I'm with YOU not Arron okay?? You are my boyfriend not you understand that" I say looking at him
"Babe I know I'm your boyfriend and your my girlfriend but when I don't feel a way about someone you hang around I just talk to you about how I feel"
"Baby I get that but you want me to stop hanging around him tho. I don't tell you, you have to have stop hanging around Scottie and kJ"
"Just don't hang around him y/n that's it"
"Fine, but I really don't know why you mad he gay" I say walking out the house and too my car.

"Why would you tell him that" Arron laugh at the story
" cuz he really think imma just stop talking to you" my phone started to was Cassius
"See there he go calling me again" I say showing him my phone
"Answer that boy" Arron says laughing
"Hello" I said answering the phone
"Babe where are you at"
"I'm doing what you want me to do...I'm telling Arron I can't hang around him anymore"
"Babe you don't have to do that"
"Nah we had a whole argument over it and I want this to stop so I'm doing it" I said and hung up.


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