Bronny James

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Right now you are with your friends at the mall. With you are Alex,Bronny, and Ashley.
You have a crush on Bronny and you think that he likes you too but he be flirting with other girls so you just been kinda distance from him.
"Y'all wanna go to the arcade?" Bronny asked
"Sure" Alex and Ashley but I turned my head looking at the bowling alley.
"Y'all can go imma go to the bowling alley" I said turning back to them.
"Ooh I wanna come with you" Ashley said and we started walking away from the boys.

Bronny pov~
So the girls left and that's the first y/n not wanting to play the same game or hang around me. I thought liked me but I was wrong.

"Do you know what that was about?" Alex asked me
"Not at all" I said and we started to play some games. Two girls had came to us and we all started to talk. We was talking for good 10 minuets until the girls came back. y/n looked kinda of annoyed.
"Hey so we gonna leave y/n mom gotta go out for her work and she needs to babysit her brother so imma go with her"
"Oh okay y'all want us to go?" I asked looking at y/n
"Nope" She said and the girls walked off. So I walked to get her attention.
"Aye y/n what's up with you"
"What you talking about" she said backing up
"This! You acting like you don't want to be around me or something" I said and she look at Ashley so that she can give us a minute.
"What if I don't want to be around you" she said and I was shocked.
"What? What did I do?" I asked because when she don't want to be around me it's because I did something"
"Nothing I just don't want to be around you"
I came close and hugged her but she didn't hug back.
"Oh my gosh y/n tell me what I did"
"You did nothing" she said backing up from me
"Then why are you acting like I did something to you"
"Bronny I just don't want to be around you" she said and I looked sways to think bout it.
"I'm not letting you go until you till me what I did"
"Bronny I have to go"
"Well than you better tell me"
I lean against the wall.

Y/n pov~
I really don't want to tell Bronny that I like him. When he said that my mom had text me.

Mommy💯: Don't need you to come any more you can stay with your friends. Love you.

Great timing mom.
I looked back at Bronny to see him licking his lips. Dang he sexy 😍.

"You really not gonna tell me"
"There's nothing to tell"
"Okay well imma ask Ashley cuz I know you tell her everything" he said walking off.
"Shit" I said because Ashley know about me liking him. Imma hope that she don't tell him.

He came back with a smile on his face.
"You know you could have just told me you liked me" he said
"Welp you know now so imma leave" I said trying to walk off but he pulled me back.
"Y/N stop doing that"
" I have to go" even tho I really didn't I just didn't want to be here anymore.
"No you don't I know your mom said she do t need you anymore"
"How you know that"
"I didn't you just told me"
I roll my eyes and tried to walk again but he stop me.
"Why you keep stopping me"
"Because I'm not letting my girlfriend just walk away from our conversation"
"Girlfriend? We not together Bronny"
"Yet" He said grabbing my hand.
"You have girls over there waiting for you" I said looking at them and he looked back at them and then back at me.
"I don't have feelings for them. I was just talking to them because I thought you didn't like me anymore" he said sad
"What you mean"
"I mean that I like you too y/n" I didn't know what to say.
"Oh that's cool" I said trying to walk away again but then he pulled me back and kissed me.
"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes" I said and he picked me up and spend me around while I was fucking happy

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