LiAngelo Ball

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You and Gelo are friends. Every once in a while y'all would fuck but never had feelings. Well at least that's what he thinks. You see when you tried to tell Gelo that you liked him he just thought you was trying to fuck here and there and you just went with it. At a party you walked into a room where Gelo and another girl was having sex. You don't really talk to him anymore.

Gelo🙄: yo every since what party you been acting wired what's up?

You💯:nothing up
Gelo🙄:you sure?
You💯: positive
Gelo🙄:I'm omw
You💯: no can't I got in trouble
Which is a lie you just didn't want to see him.
Gelo🙄: I don't care I'm coming.

You rolled your eyes at his message because Gelo never listen to you at all. You was laying down on the couch with your brother waiting for Gelo to get here. Once he do you open the door and took him to your room.

"What's up I've been calling you and texting you" he asked sitting down next to you but you moved from him.
"Nothing just been busy" another lie you told
"Doing what"
"Helping my mom with my brothers" you are the oldest and have 3 little brothers
"Why you just didn't call me to help like you normally do?"
"Because I just didn't call you" you said getting annoyed.
He looked at you for a second before saying anything
"Are you in your period"
"That's why you so moody" he said and you rolled your eyes
"What ever.......what was the reason of you coming here?"
"Well one I wanted to see you and two I wanted to tell you something"
"Okay what is it" you asked sitting down
"Well I have a girlfriend now so we have to stop what we was doing" he said
"Yeah totally" you said trying hard not to sound heart broken.
"You good?" He asked
"Yep" you say standing up and sitting on the other side of the room going on your computer
"Okay well imma just go then"
"Alright" you said keeping your eyes on the computer
"Imma text you later tho"
"Bye LiAngelo" you said. He didn't even say anything it was just quite until you heard him walking off and going out the door.
"Welp that was my chance and I missed it" you said to yourself

2 months later
You are getting ready to go to get you some food. When you open the door to walk out you ran into Gelo.
"Y/N" he say hugging you
"Gelo What are you doing here?"
"Well I came to see why you not answering me"
"I don't know what you are talking about but imma red you to move so I can go and get something to eat" you said only to be picked up and taken to your room

"LiAngelo move!"
"No not until you give me an answer"
"Welp Imma starve to death" you say but then went on your computer to order Chinese
"So you really not gonna tell me"
"There's nothing to tell but why you not with your girlfriend"
"Because we got into a fight"
"Well we was having sex and I said your name" he said looking and the floor and you looked up at him.
"What the hell"
"I know I know so she got hella mad and left and now she not talking to me"
"Out of all the names your could have said why mines"
"Because I missed what we used to do Okay I missed us going sneaking around and us being friends but I really messed up my chance"
"Your chance??"
"I messed up my chance onto asking you to be my girlfriend" he said looking at you. You didn't say anything you just walked to him.
"We have 25 minuets until the food get here" you say smirking
"Oh my gosh girl you better hope we can hear the doorbell over your screaming" he said and you laughing.

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