Shareef O'Neal part One

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You and Shareef have been dating for a year and you still haven't meet his family in person. Meaning when you be on FaceTime with him his family members might be around and they talk to you and all but you never really met his mom or dad. You meet all of his  Brothers and Sisters on the phone and they seem cool.

Today you are getting ready to go to the O'Neal house because Shareef said his mom wants to meet you in person and not on the phone. So you are trying to find a good outfit because your meeting your boyfriend mother who doesn't wants to look good for the mother of her fine as son that she carried for 9 months inside of her.

Reef😍🤤 would like to FaceTime..
"Hey reef"
"HeY ReEf What was that"
"Well dang what's wrong with you"
"Why you answer the phone like that no one around"
"Mkay What's that's suppose to mean" I laugh knowing what he wanted me to do
"Really we playing this game?"
"What game you talking bout?"
"Okay since we playing this game I got you"
"Stop Daddy I was just messing with you"
"Oh that's what I thought"
You laugh at this fool that you called your boyfriend
"You almost ready I haven't seen you all day and I wanna be the first to see you before my family take you over" he said rolling his eyes at the last part.
"Mkay when I get out side imma text you then so you can come out"
"No don't  you hang up on me I wanna talk to you"
"I wasn't gonna hang up fool"
"Oh so we name calling now" he acted all butt hurt
"Okay fat ass you better pipe down"
"Thank you I know it's fat" I said sticking my tongue out
"Why you think I said it"
"Mmhh well I can call you fat ass too"
"IM NOT WITH THAT GAY SHIT" I was laughing so hard.
"But bae yo ass is big" I said
"Y/N stop being gay"
"How if I'm talking about my BOYFRIEND ASS and I'm a GIRL?"
"Cuz that's wired"
"No it's not you talk about my ass all the time so hows it different"
"Well one that ass is mines so I can talk about it if I want to with out a problem and second you talking bout my ass"
"Okay and that ass mines so I can talk about it too"
"I can't with you" he started laughing which made me laugh

I grabbed my phone and my purse and went downstairs to get my Keyes and walked to my car.
"Shareef O'Neal"
"Y/N O'Neal" i stoped and looked at him.
"That's not my last name"
"Yes it is. You don't confirm it yet which I don't know why but we are married"
"Last time I checked I didn't have a ring on my finger" I said holding up my hands
"You know I wanted to get you that big rock but you said no"
"Because that was too much money"
"Baby as long as we been dating you still don't let me buy you food....and you eat all the damn time"
"Because I don't want you to spend your money on me if I eat all the damn time"
"Baby I'm yo manz imma spend money on you"
"We'll see"
"You know when we get married imma buy the rings"
"No we going half on it"
"Oh my gosh woman left me do something for you"
"But I need to show you that I got you"
"I already know you got me so there's no need for you to buy me something that I can buy myself.....I don't want to be spoiled Shareef"
"But I want to spoil you"
"Nooo" I say laughing at this conversation
"Okay fine when we have kids I'm spoiling  them"
"No you won't cuz if I got to stay with them they not gonna get everything they want all the time"
"but my princess is going to get everything she wants"
"Reef I swear if our kids be spoiled you are being a stay at home dad"
"Then how would we get money if I'm home with them all day"
" I play a sport to hopefully I'll make it to lead and Play pro"
" but if we both make it to pro then will have more money"
" then the babies are just gonna have to wait until after we get married and We ready "
The whole time talking to Shareef you was driving.
"I'm outside" and with that your 6'10 boyfriend came out side and helped you out the car.

"I missed you" he said kissing you all on your neck.
"I missed you too but you better stop before your family see this"
"Ugh as soon as I bring you in the house you gonna get taken from me so imma enjoy my time right now"
He said holding onto me.
"Too late they at the door"
"Oh my fucking gosh" he said and I started laughing. He took my hand and walked inside the house where everyone was at.
"Y'all already know here so where mom?"
"Dang why can't we touch here" Shaqir said looking at me
"Keep playing with me"
"Hey y/n" Mimi said
"Hey girl how you been" I said hugging her
"I've been good"
"How's basketball?"
"It's good it's tougher this year but is still great"
"That's cool you gotta text me so I can come to one of your games"
"Okay I will as soon as I find out"
"Okay that's what's up then"
"Y/N you gonna come to my games too" Mearah asked (Shareef little sister)
"Yeah I'll come to your games too just let me know" I said hugging her. This girl is talker than me and she only 12!.
" hi I am Myles the oldest"
"Hey I'm y/n" I said shaking his hand
"Don't even" Shareef said to Myles
"What I'm just introducing myself"
"Yeah we gonna find mom" he said taking my hand.

We went into the kitchen where there was a lady with dreads.
" hey Kiana have you seen mom?" Shareef asked the lady.
"Yeah she just stepped out. Who this"
"Oh yeah you have meet her yet"
"Kiana this is y/n my girlfriend, y/n this is Kiana our nanny"
"Hey it's nice to meet you" I said shaking her hand
"Nice to meet you so pretty"
"Thank you.. I love your dreads"
"Thank you...Shareef I like her you need to bring her around a lot more" she told him

He grabbed my hand and we went outside to the back where a lady thats seems to be my height is.
"Hey mom I brought her" Shareef said to her.
"Oh my gosh you gorgeous I'm Shaunie Shareef mom how are you?"she said hugging me
"I'm y/n I'm good" I said hugging her back
"So how old are you?"
"You play a sport?"
"Yes I play volleyball"
"That's long you been playing"
"Every since I was 3"
"That's you have any siblings"
"I have a 15 year old sister she play basketball"
"Aww where did you a Shareef meet"
"Well my sister had a game and I had to drive her and Shareef was there with Shaqir and my sister was done with her game but she wanted to stay so that meant that I had to stay so we was just watching Shaqir Okay and later Shareef had walked up to me and asked for my number and every since then we would always text and months later he asked me to be his girlfriend"
"Aww that's soo cute! do your sister and Shaqir know each other"
"Yes they know each other they watch each other games"
"Oh really" she said with shocked face
"Okay enough with the question ma" Shareef said taking my hands
"Well it was nice to finally meet you y/n"
"It was nice to meet you too Ms.O'Neal"
"Oh please call me Shaunie" she said hugging me one last time.

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